Mystery of the Temple Diamonds: Stories for Kids - English Stories


Saturday, July 6, 2024

Mystery of the Temple Diamonds: Stories for Kids

Mystery of the Temple Diamonds: Stories for Kids

Stories for Kids

Once King Krishnadevaraya was discussing with his ministers in the court, when a man came in front of him and said, "Maharajah, do justice to me. My master has cheated me." On hearing this, the king asked him, who are you? And what happened to you?"

"Maharajah, my name is Namdev. Yesterday I was going to a village with my master for some work. We got tired of walking due to the heat and sat in the shade of a temple nearby. Then my eyes fell on a red coloured bag which was lying in a corner of the temple. Taking permission from the master, I picked up that bag and on opening it, I found that two diamonds of the size of plum were shining inside it.


The diamonds were found in the temple, so the state had the right over them. But my master forbade me from telling this to anyone, and said that both of us will keep one diamond each from it. I was tired of being a slave to my master, so I wanted to do my work. Due to which greed came in my mind. As soon as I reached the mansion, the owner flatly refused to give me my share of the diamond. This is the reason why I want justice.

Stories for Kids

The Maharajah immediately sent the Solider and ordered Namdev's owner to appear in the palace. Namdev's owner was soon brought in front of the king. When the king asked him about the diamonds, he said, "Maharaj, it is true that diamonds were found in the temple, but I gave those diamonds to Namdev and asked him to deposit them in the royal treasury. When he returned, I asked him for the receipt of the treasury, then he started hesitating.

When I threatened him, he came to you and started telling a fabricated story." "Okay, so this is the matter." The Maharajah said after thinking for a while - "Do you have any proof that you are speaking the truth?" " Maharajah, if you do not believe me, then you can ask my other three servants. They were there at that time."

After that, all three servants were brought in front of the king. All three testified against Namdev. The Maharajah left the three servants and the master there and went to his rest room and called the General, Minister Tenaliram, and the Prime Minister to discuss the matter. On their arrival, the Maharajah asked the Prime Minister, “What do you think? Is Namdev lying?”

Stories for Kids

“Yes Maharajah! Namdev is the liar. He must have got greedy and must have kept the diamonds with himself.” The General declared the witnesses as liars. According to him, Namdev was speaking the truth. Tenaliram was standing quietly listening to everyone. Then the Maharajah looked at him and asked for his opinion. Tenaliram said, “Maharajah, who is lying and who is telling the truth will be known soon, but for this you people will have to hide behind the curtain for some time.” The Maharaja agreed to this because he wanted to solve the matter as quickly as possible, so he hid behind the curtain. The Prime Minister and the General also went behind the curtain with a frown on their faces.

Now only Tenali Raman was visible in the Maharajahs rest room. Now he asked the servant to call the first witness. On the arrival of the witness, Tenali Raman asked, "Did your master give the diamonds to Namdev in front of you?" The first witness said - "Yes."

Stories for Kids

Then you must also know about the colour and size of the diamond. Tenali Raman placed a paper and pen in front of the witness and said to him - "draw a picture of the diamond on it and show me." On hearing this, he was stunned and said, "I did not see the diamonds because they were in a red coloured bag." "Okay, now go and stand there quietly."

Now the second witness was called and the same question was asked to him. He proved his point by telling about the colour of the diamonds and making two round shapes on the paper. Then he was also made to stand near the first witness and the third witness was called.

He told that the diamonds were in a bag made of birch bark. Because of this, he could not see them. On hearing this, the Maharajah came out from behind the curtain. On seeing the King, all three got scared and understood that it was better for them to tell the truth. All three started apologising by holding the Maharajah's feet and said that our master had threatened us to lie and had threatened to fire us from the job, that is why we had to lie.

Stories for Kids

The Maharajah immediately ordered a search of the master's house. On searching, both the diamonds were recovered. As a punishment, the master had to give ten thousand gold coins to Namdev and had to pay twenty thousand gold coins as a fine, while both the recovered diamonds were deposited in the royal treasury. Thus, with the help of Tenaliram, the Maharajah gave the verdict in favour of Namdev.

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  1. From Play to Peril: Devraj's Heroic Deed
  2. Moral Story : The foolish Sage and the swindler
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