From Play to Peril: Devraj's Heroic Deed - Stories for kids - English Stories


Thursday, July 4, 2024

From Play to Peril: Devraj's Heroic Deed - Stories for kids

From Play to Peril: Devraj's Heroic Deed

Devraj's village was very beautiful, so beautiful that people from far and wide would come to picnic there. A large seasonal waterfall flowed through his village, which was the main attraction. Most people would come to picnic by the waterfall. On the other side of the waterfall was an open field where Devraj and his friends played cricket every day. All the villagers, especially the children, loved this place. All the village children spent most of their time around the waterfall and the playground.

Stories for kids

There was always a steady flow of water in the seasonal waterfall because water was released from the dam into it. The villagers used this water for irrigation. Several small ponds had formed in the waterfall where all the village children bathed and caught fish. Most of the villagers learned to swim in these ponds. Most of the children knew how to swim. However, Devraj and his friends were still young, so their families forbade them from playing in the ponds. Hence, Devraj and his friends played cricket in the field.


The waterfall in Devraj's village came from many villages and mountains, so during the rainy season, it had a lot of water flowing through it, making it very dangerous. Also, when it rained heavily in some distant village or mountains, the water level in the waterfall suddenly increased due to the water flowing down from the mountains. All the villagers knew that even if it wasn't raining in their village, the water level of the waterfall could rise significantly due to rainfall in distant places, so they avoided going near the waterfall during the rainy season.

One day, during the rainy season, there were scattered clouds in the sky, and it was very sunny. Because it was a holiday, many people had come to picnic near the waterfall. Devraj and his friends were also playing cricket in the field near the waterfall. Since it wasn't raining, there was less water in the waterfall, so many people were playing in the water. The atmosphere around the waterfall was very pleasant, with many people playing antakshari, some taking selfies, some cooking food they had brought with them, and some children running around. Everyone was enjoying their holiday.

Stories for kids

Suddenly, the water level in the waterfall began to rise. It seemed like it had rained heavily in the mountains. All the people playing in the water panicked and started coming out. It was very strange for them to see the water level rise suddenly without any rain. Within a short time, the water level rose significantly, and everyone tried to get out of the water as quickly as possible. 

All the people managed to get out, but one family consisting of parents and two little girls couldn't get out in time and got stuck on a rock in the middle of the waterfall. The four of them were standing on the rock with water flowing rapidly around them. They couldn't get out because a few meters away, the waterfall fell into a gorge, and if they got swept away by the water, they could fall into the gorge, which could be fatal.

Stories for kids

The family started shouting for help, turning a pleasant holiday into a frightening day. All the people gathered on the other side of the waterfall and started thinking of ways to rescue the family. No one could think of a way to get the family out of the water. The water level of the waterfall kept rising slowly. If something wasn't done soon, the family's lives would be in danger.

Devraj and his friends, who were playing cricket in the field on the other side of the waterfall, saw everything happening by the waterfall. They also started thinking of ways to save the family. About fifty meters from where the family was trapped, there were some tall date trees by the waterfall. Seeing these trees, Devraj thought that if one of these date trees could be cut down and dropped into the waterfall, it would float to the family, and they could be rescued.

As soon as he got this idea, Devraj told his friends, "You guys go to those date trees while I go home to get an axe." Saying this, Devraj ran towards his home, which was a short distance away. He brought two axes from his home and reached the date trees where his friends were waiting for him. Upon reaching there, Devraj gave one axe to his friend, and they started cutting the tree. 

Stories for kids

The date tree was very tall and had a thick trunk. Cutting it down wasn't easy, but Devraj and his friend tried their best to cut it down quickly. After cutting for a while, they got tired. Now, two other friends started cutting the tree. In this way, all of Devraj's friends took turns helping to cut the tree. All the people standing on the other side of the waterfall were watching the children from a distance and began praising the children's wisdom and efforts.

After a long time of hard work, the tree finally fell into the waterfall. It floated rapidly towards the family, hitting the rock where the family was standing and stopping there. The tree was longer than the width of the waterfall, so one end of the tree touched the other side of the waterfall, where people grabbed it. Now there was a way for the family to get from the rock to the shore. 

Some young men among the people on the shore advanced and reached the family via the tree. First, the two girls trapped on the rock were brought to the shore, followed by their parents. Thus, the entire family was now safe. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and was very happy. The family that had been trapped in the waterfall thanked the children standing on the other side of the waterfall from a distance and blessed them from their hearts. They also thanked everyone who helped them.

Stories for kids

After this incident, all the people started praising the intelligence and bravery of the children standing on the other side of the waterfall. The children also accepted everyone's greetings from a distance and then returned to their homes.

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Stories for kids