Story of Kalla Raimalot and Princess Bhanakanwar - Stories - English Stories


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Story of Kalla Raimalot and Princess Bhanakanwar - Stories

Story of Kalla Raimalot and Princess Bhanakanwar - Stories

It is a story of Mughal period, at that time India was ruled by Mughal emperor Akbar. Akbar's court was decorated, great kings and emperors of India were sitting in his court. Emperor Akbar asked Raja surjan Singh of Bundi in the course of conversation - surjan Singh ji, we have heard that your princess has become eligible for marriage, so we want your princess Bhanakanwar to get married to our prince Jahangir. surjan Singh did not want to marry his daughter to the Mughals, but he could not refuse Emperor Akbar directly in the full court.

stories, Kalla-Raimalot-and-Princess-Bhanakanwar

After thinking for a while, surjan Singh said - I will be very happy if my daughter gets married to the Mughal prince, but I have already got my daughter engaged, if you had told me a few days ago, I would have definitely got my daughter married to Jahangir. Seeing surjan Singh's face, Emperor Akbar understood that he was lying, he immediately asked - where is the princess engaged. surjan Singh had no answer to this, but he could not invite the Emperor's anger by lying.


Sujan Singh saw in the court that Kalla Raimalot, the feudal lord of Siwana, was also sitting in the court, who was a handsome, brave and young warrior. Sujan Singh said - I have engaged my daughter Bhaan Kanwar to Kalla Raimalot, hearing this Kalla Raimalot became happy and he also agreed with Sujan Singh and told Emperor Akbar that just a few days ago I have been engaged to Bundi's princess Bhaan Kanwar. Akbar sensed that both the persons were lying, but he could not do anything. 

Akbar said with a fake smile on his face - You got your daughter engaged and did not even invite us. Sujan Singh said, Emperor, we had engaged the princess in a hurry, so we could not invite anyone. But when we will marry the princess, we will definitely invite you. After this incident, Akbar became a little upset and after some time he adjourned the court and left.

All the kings and Maharajas present in the court had understood that these two had fooled the emperor Akbar. Sujan Singh called Kalla Raimalot and said - I have engaged my daughter Bhaan Kanwar to you, even if it was just in words, so now you should immediately go to Bundi and actually get engaged to my daughter, otherwise if Akbar comes to know about it, he will be very angry.


Kalla Raimalot reaches Bundi from Agra on the same day and gets engaged to Princess Bhan Kanwar. After a few days, Akbar's court was held again. Akbar was annoyed to see Kalla Raimalot in front of him. He made Kalla Raimalot the deputy-governer of Lahore and sent him to Lahore. Kalla Raimalot did not get along with the Governer of Lahore. After some time, a dispute arose between Kalla Raimalot and the Governer of Lahore. Due to this dispute, Kalla Raimalot killed the Governer.

Kalla Raimalot knew that Akbar was not going to leave him now. So he immediately came from Lahore to his kingdom Siwana. Two-three months passed but Akbar did not give any reaction. Then after a few days, Akbar sent a message and called Kalla Raimalot to Agra. When he reached Agra, Akbar went ahead and welcomed him. Kalla Raimalot found all this very strange. Akbar said - Kalla ji, you did a very good job in Lahore, the governor there was not the right person, he had to die. That is why I sent you to Lahore, so that you can do this work for me. I am very happy with your work, so now I appoint you as the governor of Lahore.


Kalla Raimalot was thinking in his mind, there is definitely something fishy because Akbar never praised anyone so much. After some time, Akbar asked Kalla Raimalot - I have heard that your sister has become eligible for marriage, I want Prince Jahangir to get married to your sister. Kalla Raimalot understood that Akbar is taking revenge for the princess of Bundi not being able to marry Jahangir.

Kalla Raimalot did not want to marry his sister to Jahangir, so he said, I can never even think of my sister getting married to your prince. This is a very big thing for us, we are feudal lords of a small area, we cannot even think of having marital relations with any big king or emperor. But the emperor - having marital relations with us will be against your prestige, so you marry Jahangir to the daughter of a big king or emperor. Emperor Akbar said - we do not see the difference between small and big, we just want a girl with good qualities and values, you just start preparing for the marriage.


Kalla Raimalot said I do not have money right now to get my sister married, Akbar said you can take as much money as you want from the royal treasury. Kalla Raimalot reaches Siwana with a lot of money from Akbar's royal treasury. After reaching Siwana, he gets his fort repaired and rebuilt with that money and also prepares for war.

After all the preparations were complete, he sent a message to Akbar inviting Jahangir to come to Siwana for the wedding. He also requested Akbar not to send too many people in Jahangir's wedding procession because they did not have the facility to accommodate too many people. Akbar sent a message that he should not worry as Jahangir would only be accompanied by a few of his friends and servants.

On the scheduled date, Jahangir's wedding procession reached Siwana. Jahangir's wedding procession was halted at some distance from the wedding venue (according to the Rajasthani tradition, whenever the wedding procession came, it was halted outside the village. After this, the bride's family would go and welcome them and bring them with them. This tradition was called Samela. This tradition is followed in Rajasthan even today). After some time, Kalla Raimalot arrives to welcome the wedding procession.


As soon as Kalla Raimalot arrived, he made Jahangir wear a garland of shoes, then he beat Jahangir and his friends badly and even tore their clothes. Jahangir and his friends somehow managed to save their lives and ran away from there. Jahangir sent a message to Akbar that Kalla Raimalot had insulted him by inviting him to a wedding and had also tried to kill him. Emperor Akbar's blood boiled on hearing this news, the insult of the Mughal prince was beyond the emperor's tolerance. Akbar sent a huge army to attack Siwana and ordered the commander that Kalla Raimalot should not be left alive under any circumstances.

Kalla Raimalot knew that Akbar would not leave him alive, so he started preparing to do Sakka (in the wars of that time, all the Rajput warriors used to die fighting till their last breath, and the women of those warriors used to sacrifice their lives by jumping into the fire inside the fort to protect their modesty, thus when all the men and women sacrificed their lives during the war, this event is called Sakka).

When Bundi's princess Bhanakanwar came to know that her future husband was going to do Sakka in Siwana, she reached Siwana to do Sakka with Kalla Raimalot. In a few days, Akbar's huge army reached Siwana. A terrible war breaks out in Siwana, there is a lot of bloodshed in the war, Kalla Raimalot and his soldiers are killed fighting bravely till their last breath, on the other side inside the fort of Siwana, all the women of the fort under the leadership of Princess Bhaan Kanwar jump into the fire and end their lives. This was the second Sakka of Siwana.


This war of Siwana is known for the bravery of Kalla Raimalot and the sacrifice of Princess Bhaan Kanwar. Kalla Raimalot is such a warrior who does not step back even when death is certain in the war and attains martyrdom fighting bravely in the war. On the other hand, Bhaan Kanwar is an unmarried girl who sacrifices her life to support her would-be husband in the last moment and to discharge the traditions of his clan. It is because of such heroes and heroines that the land of Rajasthan is called the land of heroes.

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