Story of the Birth of Lord Shri Ram - Stories - English Stories


Friday, August 30, 2024

Story of the Birth of Lord Shri Ram - Stories

Story of the Birth of Lord Shri Ram - Stories

Chapter 1: The Splendour of Ayodhya

In ancient India, the city of Ayodhya, situated on the banks of the river Sarayu, was famous for its prosperity and splendour. The king of Ayodhya, Maharaja Dasharatha, was a great ruler of the Ikshvaku dynasty. He was mighty, pious, and extremely affectionate towards his subjects. Maharaja Dasharatha’s kingdom had all kinds of happiness and prosperity, but there was one big shortcoming in his life—he had no children. He was extremely unhappy due to not having children. To overcome his anxiety, he consulted his guru Vasishtha.


Chapter 2: Yajna for Sons

To find a solution to his problem, King Dasharatha consulted his wise guru, Sage Vasishta. The sage advised him to perform the “Putr Kameshti Yajna”, a sacred ritual dedicated to begetting children. Sage Vasishta also recommended that the yagna be led by the revered Sage Rishyashringa, who was known for his deep spiritual powers.


Following Sage Vasishta’s advice, Dasharatha arranged for a grand yagna. The preparations were done with great devotion, and Sage Rishyashringa was invited to perform the rituals. As soon as the yagna fire was lit and the offerings were made, a divine man appeared from the yagna kund (fire pit) with a golden vessel in his hand containing divine kheer (sweetened milk and rice). He said to King Dasharath, "Distribute this kheer among your three wives, this will give you sons." King Dasharath was very pleased and distributed the divine kheer among his three queens - Kaushalya, Kaikeyi and Sumitra.

Chapter 3: Birth of Divine Sons

In due course of time, the blessings of the yajna bore fruit. Queen Kausalya gave birth to a son named Rama, Queen Kaikeyi gave birth to a son named Bharata and Queen Sumitra gave birth to twin sons named Lakshmana and Shatrughna. The birth of these four princes brought immense joy to the kingdom of Ayodhya and people celebrated the birth of the princes with great zeal and enthusiasm.


Lord Vishnu incarnated as Sri Rama in Treta Yuga to free this world from the atrocities of Ravana, the king of Lanka. Ravana was terrorizing the three worlds with his unmatched power. The gods of heaven were also troubled by his atrocities. Ravana had received a boon that he could not be killed by any god, demon, serpent or Gandharva (another caste of gods). Due to this boon, Ravana became invincible.

Ravana considered humans to be weak, so while asking for boons from Lord Brahma, he did not consider it necessary to include humans in the list. Therefore, Lord Vishnu took the human form in the name of Shri Ram to kill Ravana and establish balance in the world.

Chapter 4: Rama's Childhood

Lord Rama's childhood was full of divine charm and extraordinary virtues. He was extremely well mannered, modest and pious. Even in his childhood, Rama was known for his extraordinary grace, intelligence and adherence to Dharma. He was the apple of his parents' eyes, especially Queen Kaushalya, who saw a divine spark in him which convinced her that her son was no ordinary person.


Rama received education along with his brothers under the guidance of the Kulguru Rishi Vasishtha. He learnt the Vedas, weapons, and principles of Dharma. Among the four brothers, Rama was particularly distinguished for his virtues. He was adept in both weapons and scriptures. His natural inclination towards truth, justice and mercy made him the ideal prince and a beloved figure among the people of Ayodhya.

Chapter 5: The Arrival of Vishwamitra

One day, Maharshi Vishwamitra arrived in Ayodhya and met King Dasharatha. He requested King Dasharatha to send Rama with him for some time so that Rama could protect his yagna. King Dasharatha was worried at first because Rama was still young and the idea of ​​sending him to protect the yagna seemed unacceptable to him. But on Vishwamitra’s insistence and Guru Vasishtha’s advice, he decided to send Rama.


Rama and Lakshmana accompanied Maharshi Vishwamitra to protect his yagna and killed demons like Taraka, Maricha, and Subahu. Thus, Rama demonstrated his strength, courage, and devotion to dharma.

Chapter 6: Ideal Life of Ram

The birth and life of Lord Ram presents an ideal for humanity. He always followed Dharma, truth, and justice and discharged his duties in every situation. Ram accepted 14 years of exile following his father's orders, which shows the greatness of his character and devotion to duty.

Ram married Sita, who is known as an ideal wife. His marriage and life with Sita also symbolize his greatness and devotion to his Dharma.

When Ravana kidnapped Sita and held her captive in Lanka, Shri Ram, keeping in mind the dignity of his human incarnation, searched for his wife Sita like ordinary humans and fought with Ravana and killed him and freed Sita. Shri Ram, despite being all-powerful, behaved like an ordinary human in his life, so he is also called Maryada Purushottam (the best man who follows dignity).

Establishment of Dharma

This story of Lord Rama's birth is not only the story of a divine incarnation, but it is also a message to follow the path of Dharma, truth and justice. Rama's life, his qualities, and his deeds inspire us to follow the right path even today. Rama established Dharma in every aspect of his life and showed that truth and Dharma always triumph.


This story of Ram's birth teaches us that whenever unrighteousness increases on earth, God incarnates to protect dharma. The life and deeds of Lord Ram will remain a source of inspiration for humanity for eternity.

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