The Curse of Pele's Rocks: A Story of Destruction and Redemption - English Stories


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Curse of Pele's Rocks: A Story of Destruction and Redemption

The Curse of Pele's Rocks: A Story of Destruction and Redemption


Chapter 1: Traveling to Hawaii

The island of Hawaii, with its lush landscapes, towering volcanoes, and vibrant culture, is a place of unparalleled beauty and mystery. One of the natural wonders of this paradise is Kilauea, one of the most active volcanoes on Earth and home to Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of fire, lightning, and volcanoes. According to ancient legend, Pele is both a creator and a destroyer, shaping the islands with her fiery temper and molten lava.


For generations, Hawaiians have revered the goddess Pele, respected her power, and cared for the land with the utmost care. But, as tourism to the islands grew in the 20th century, not everyone showed the same reverence. Among these tourists was a young woman named Emily Hayes, who arrived on the Big Island with a sense of adventure and curiosity. Her curiosity often overrode her sense of caution.

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Emily, a recent college graduate from the mainland, was eager to see every corner of Hawaii, from the black sand beaches to the dense rainforests. But what captivated her most was the fiery majesty of the Kilauea volcano. On a guided tour of the volcano, Emily listened intently as the guide talked about Pele and her legendary rage. However, one part of the story fascinated her more than the rest.

The guide explained that it was taboo to take rocks or sand from the island, especially from the Kilauea volcano, as these were considered sacred to the goddess Pele. Those who violated this practice risked incurring the goddess' wrath, resulting in a curse that brought misfortune until the stolen items were returned. The guide shared stories of visitors who had ignored the warning, and suffered a string of bad luck until they sent the rocks back to Hawaii with an apology letter. Emily was surprised but also skeptical. She was a rational person who didn’t believe in curses or superstitions. To her, these stories were just that – stories made up to scare tourists into following the rules. So, when she found a small, shiny black rock near the edge of the volcano, she decided to keep it with her as a memento, despite the guide’s warnings.

Chapter 2: The First Sign of the Curse

Back to her hotel, Emily silently admired the rock's smooth surface and its vibrant color. It was something she had never seen before, a tangible piece of Hawaii she could take home. She put the rock in her suitcase, and thought nothing more of it.


The next morning she got her first sign of trouble. As she got ready for another day of excursions, Emily noticed that her phone, which she had left to charge overnight, was completely discharged. She tried everything but it wouldn't turn on. Disappointed but undeterred, she decided to go out without it.

Her troubles only got worse. At breakfast, the zipper on her backpack broke, spilling her belongings onto the floor. Later, while hiking in the rainforest, she tripped over a root and twisted her ankle, forcing her to limp back to her car. By the end of the day, Emily was tired and in pain, her enthusiasm for the adventure waning.

That evening, as she soaked her swollen ankle in the hotel bathtub, she remembered the guide's warning. Could the rock have been responsible for her sudden bad luck? She dismissed the idea as ridiculous. After all, it was just a coincidence. But as the days passed, her bad luck continued, and her doubts began to grow.

Chapter 3: The Curse's Grip

Emily's vacation, which had started out promising, quickly turned into a nightmare. She missed her flight home several times due to inexplicable delays and had to pay a hefty fee to rebook it. Upon returning to her hometown, she discovered that her luggage had been lost, including the suitcase containing the rock.

Misfortune followed her everywhere. Her car broke down on the way home from the airport, forcing her to call an expensive tow-truck. At work, she didn't get the promotion she was so sure she would get, leaving her feeling even more discouraged. Worst of all, her health began to deteriorate. Emily began to have a persistent cough that worsened over the weeks, leaving her weak and tired.


She visited doctors, mechanics, and even a psychologist to find answers, but no one could explain the series of misfortunes that befell her. Finally, one night as she lay in bed, the memory of the rock came to her mind. Was it possible that the curse was real? Had she inadvertently angered the goddess Pele by taking a piece of her territory?

Unable to shake the thought off, Emily began researching the legend of Pele's curse. She discovered stories of countless people who had taken stones from Hawaii but suffered similar bad luck. Many had sent the stones back with letters of apology to the goddess. They said the curse was only lifted when the stones were returned to their rightful place.

Emily realized that her stone was still missing, possibly lost with her luggage. Panicked, she contacted the airline and was relieved to learn that her suitcase had been found and would be delivered the next day. But as she waited, her anxiety grew. What if the curse couldn't be lifted? What if it was too late?

Chapter 4: Removing the Curse

When the suitcase finally arrived, Emily opened it and found the stone nestled among her clothes, still as smooth and shiny as when she had first picked it up. Holding it in her hands, she felt a wave of guilt and fear. She had to return the stone—she had no other choice.

The next morning, she went to the post office and carefully packed the stone. With it, she enclosed a letter addressed to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, in which she explained her mistake and asked for forgiveness. As she sealed the envelope, she mumbled a quiet apology to the goddess Pele, hoping the goddess would hear her plea.

Days passed, and Emily anxiously awaited any sign that the curse had been lifted. Slowly, her luck began to change. Her cough lessened, her car was repaired without any problems, and she even finally got the promotion she had been hoping for. It seemed as if the curse had been broken.


But Emily had a newfound respect for the power of the island and its legends. She realized that her actions had been thoughtless and that the place she had visited was sacred to the people who lived there. From that day on, she decided to respect the customs and traditions of all the places she would visit in the future, realizing that some things should not be taken for granted.

Chapter 5: Revisiting Hawaii

Many years later, Emily returned to Hawaii again, this time with a deep appreciation for the island's culture and reverence for its natural wonders. As she stood once again on the edge of Kilauea, she felt a sense of peace, knowing she had learned from her mistake. To her, the island was no longer just a tourist destination; it was a place of spiritual significance, a land shaped by forces far more powerful than her.

She noticed a few other tourists picking up rocks there, unaware of the warnings she too had once ignored. Gently, she approached them and shared her story, warning them against taking anything from the volcano. Some listened, while others dismissed her words as superstition, just as she had done years before.

But Emily knew better now. The curse of Pele's rocks was not just a myth; it was a reminder that the land deserved respect, that ancient spirits still watched over their territories. She felt a connection to the island that transcended time, a bond with the people and legends that had shaped this sacred place.

And thus, the tale of the curse lived on, a story of destruction and redemption, warning those who would listen of the consequences of defying the fire goddess. Because in the heart of Hawaii, the presence of the goddess Pele was as real as the molten lava flowing from the earth, a force of nature that deserved respect and reverence from all who walked her land.

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