The incomplete love story of Princess Firoza - Love Stories - English Stories


Sunday, September 1, 2024

The incomplete love story of Princess Firoza - Love Stories

The incomplete love story of Princess Firoza - Love Stories

It was the year 1305, at that time the ruler of Jalore was Kanhaddev Songara. At that time the Sultan of Delhi was Alauddin Khilji. Alauddin Khilji sent his commander Ain-ul-Multani to attack Jalore. Multani left for Jalore with a very large army. Multani was a very clever commander, before attacking Jalore he sent a message to Kanhaddev, in which it was written, Sultan Alauddin Khilji's huge army is standing at your door, a handful of soldiers of Jalore cannot face it. Therefore, it is in your best interest that you make a treaty with us.


Kanhaddev knew that Alauddin Khilji's army is many times more than the army of Jalore, so it is impossible to defeat them in the war. Therefore, looking at the situation, Kanhaddev agreed to make a treaty. After the treaty, Commander Ain-ul-Multani asked Kanhaddev to go to Delhi to sign the treaty. Thus, Kanhaddev along with his son Viramdev reached Alauddin Khilji's court in Delhi and stayed in Delhi for a few days.

Love Stories

Viramdev was a very handsome and passionate young man, Viramdev's beauty was talked about all over Delhi. One day when Alauddin Khilji's daughter Princess Firoza heard about Viramdev, she also wished to see him. One day in the morning, Viramdev was returning from the arena, at the same time Princess Firoza saw Viramdev from the roof of her palace. As soon as she saw Viramdev, Princess Firoza was fascinated by his beauty and fell in love with him in her heart.

The princess told her father Alauddin Khilji that she wanted to marry Viramdev. Alauddin Khilji did not allow the marriage by saying that Viramdev was of a different religion. But Firoza wanted to marry only Viramdev, so Alauddin had to bow down to his daughter's insistence and he agreed to the marriage of Firoza and Viramdev.

Alauddin Khilji called Viramdev and his father Kanhaddev and proposed the marriage of his daughter Firoza with Viramdev. Viramdev did not want to marry a girl of another religion, but he knew that if he refused to this marriage, the Sultan would make him a prisoner, so he agreed to the marriage.

Love Stories

The very next day, Viramdev and his father returned to Jalore from Delhi. After reaching Jalore, he sent a message to Alauddin Khilji and clearly refused to marry Firoza.

It is said that once Princess Firoza herself came to Jalore to meet Viramdev, but Viramdev did not even go to meet her and he sent a message to the princess that the sun may rise from the west but Viramdev cannot marry a Turkish girl. On hearing this message from Viramdev, Firoza returned to Delhi. But Firoza still loved Viramdev and wanted to marry him, so she sent her wet nurse to Jalore to convince Viramdev.

After reaching Jalore, Firoz's wet nurse explained to Veeramdev that Firoza loves him very much, she cannot live without him. If you do not marry Firoza, then Sultan Alauddin Khilji will attack Jalore. You can stop this useless war from happening by marrying Firoz. Despite the wet nurse's repeated persuasion, Veeramdev did not agree and in the end, the wet nurse also returned to Delhi disappointed.

When Veeramdev refused to marry, Alauddin Khilji became very angry and he attacked Jalore by sending a huge army.

At that time it was said that before conquering Jalore, Siwana had to be conquered because Siwana protected Jalore like a shield, so the fort of Siwana was called the key of Jalore. The fort of Siwana was controlled by two brothers named Seetaldev and Somdev, both of them were nephews of King Kanhaddev Songara of Jalore.

Khilji's army attacks the fort of Siwana. Sitaladev and Somdev fight very bravely, but due to the betrayal of a soldier, both the brothers have to commit Shaka in the war (when all the men are killed while fighting in the war, then all the women inside the fort commit suicide by jumping into the fire to protect their modesty, in this way when all the men and women of the fort are killed, it is called Shaka). This was the first Shaka of Siwana.

In this war, both the brothers fight so bravely that their sacrifice is remembered even today. Even today, on the day when this war took place, a huge fair is organized in Siwana every year in the memory of both the brothers. After this war, Alauddin Khilji takes over the fort of Siwana, Alauddin Khilji changes the name of Siwana to Khairabad.

Love Stories

After this, Alauddin Khilji's army attacks Jalore, Kanhaddev and Veeramdev fight bravely against the huge army of Alauddin Khilji, but in the end both father and son also die in the war. In this way, Alauddin Khilji also takes over Jalore, Khilji changes the name of Jalore to Jalalabad.

Before going to the war, Firoza had told the commander that if possible, capture Veeramdev alive, if he is not alive then bring his dead body. But this war was so terrible that Veeramdev could not be captured alive. In this war, Veeramdev's head was cut off from the body, after a lot of searching, the commander found that head of Veeramdev.

The commander reached Delhi with his head, when Veeramdev's head was taken to Princess Firoza, the princess felt unbearable pain on seeing the head. Princess Firoz takes Veeramdev's head and jumps into the Yamuna river with that head. Princess Firoz also dies by drowning in the deep waters of the Yamuna river, thus ending the love story of Princess Firoz in a tragic way.

Love Stories

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