The Boy who lied got a lesson - Short Story in English With Moral - English Stories


Friday, August 16, 2024

The Boy who lied got a lesson - Short Story in English With Moral

The Boy who lied got a Lesson-Short Story in English With Moral

A long time ago, there was a boy who used to go to the hill every day to graze the sheep. Once he got bored of seeing the village sheep grazing. So to entertain himself, he started shouting loudly, “The wolf is here! The wolf is here! The wolf is chasing the sheep!”

When the villagers heard the boy’s screams, they came running to the hill to chase the wolf away. But, when they reached there, they did not see any wolf there. They all got very angry, seeing their angry faces the boy became very happy and started laughing loudly.


The villagers warned the boy, “Don’t shout wolf wolf when there is no wolf!” Saying this, everyone returned angrily from the hill.

Short Story in English With Moral

A few days later, the shepherd boy, for his own entertainment, shouted once again, “Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!” All the villagers came running to the hill once again to chase the wolf away.

When they saw that there was no wolf, they strictly said, "Don't disturb us by shouting without reason, only when there is a real wolf." But the boy smiled when he saw the villagers upset and they all started walking down the hill once again, muttering.

After some days, the boy saw a real wolf pack approaching his sheep. He was terrified at the sight of the wolf pack. Frightened, he jumped to his feet and screamed as loud as he could, "Wolf! Wolf!" But the villagers thought he was fooling them again, so they did not come to his aid. This time the wolf pack killed a lot of his sheep.

Short Story in English With Moral

At sunset, the villagers went to the hill in search of the boy, who had not yet returned with his sheep. When they reached the hill, they found the boy there crying.

The boy said that actually a pack of wolves had come here, they ate many of my sheep. I screamed for a long time, 'The wolf came, the wolf came but you people did not come to save me.' Then an old man went to console the boy. And told him that you had troubled the villagers by lying many times before. So the villagers thought that maybe you are lying to them this time too. That is why no villager came to help you. Always remember one thing in life "No one believes a liar, even if he is speaking the truth!"

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Short Story in English With Moral