Mahendra and Moomal: The Saddest Love Story of Rajasthan - English Stories


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Mahendra and Moomal: The Saddest Love Story of Rajasthan

Mahendra and Moomal: The Saddest Love Story of Rajasthan

Love Stories

Once upon a time, there is a kingdom named Amarkot in the west of Rajasthan, which is located in today's Pakistan. At that time, the ruler of Amarkot was Prince Mahendra. Prince Mahendra was a tall and brave young man, he was very handsome  in appearance. One day Mahendra went hunting with his brother-in-law, the ruler of Gujarat, Hamir Jadeja. Both of them decided to hunt a rabbit. Both of them rode on their camels and started roaming in the desert dunes in search of a rabbit.

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Even after a long time, they did not see any rabbit. Both of them went very far in search of the rabbit and reached Jaisalmer in Rajasthan. Then both of them saw a rabbit. On seeing them, the rabbit started running very fast. Both of them chased the rabbit and reached the Kak river of Lodrava in Jaisalmer. The rabbit hid in the bushes on the river bank while running and both of them could not see it.

Now it was evening time, Mahendra and Hamir both tired and sat down on the bank of the river, both quenched their thirst by drinking water from the river. Hamir told Mahendra that we have come very far from our region, and now the day has also passed, we will have to arrange for our stay and food here tonight. Mahendra and Hamir look around and start looking for a place to stay, then they see a huge palace on the other side of the river. Both cross the river and reach that palace, after going there they come to know that this palace belongs to Princess Moomal of Lodrava.

Love Stories

Princess Moomal was famous for her beauty and qualities. Moomal's beauty was talked about far and wide, many princes and brave warriors used to come to Lodrava to see her. Mahendra and Hamir saw that beautiful flower plants were planted around the palace, servants and maids were standing ready to serve, hundreds of soldiers were guarding. They introduce themselves to both the guards and tell them that they are Prince Mahendra of Amarkot and Hamir, the ruler of Gujarat. We had come to hunt but we have lost our way while chasing the prey and it is already evening so we want to spend the night in your palace. Hearing this, the guards take them inside the palace and arrange for their food and rest.

After taking rest the next day, Mahendra and Hamir start to leave. They ask the guards for directions to Amarkot. Then Princess Moomal's maid comes and tells them that you both cannot leave from here without the permission of Princess Moomal. All the guests who come here do not leave without meeting Princess. You both can meet Princess one by one. Hearing this, both the princes were very happy. They also wanted to meet Princess Moomal.

Love Stories

Both of them decided that first Hamir Jadeja will go to meet the princess. The princess' residence was built on the top floor of the palace. The path to reach the princess' residence was very difficult. Terrible animals like lions, bears, pythons and crocodiles were sitting on the path. When Hamir started moving towards the princess' residence, he returned without meeting the princess after seeing such dangerous animals on the path. Hamir came and told Mahendra that this princess is very strange. She has left dangerous animals on the path for her safety. Hearing this, Mahendra, who was a fearless warrior, decides to meet the princess.

Mahendra starts moving towards the princess's residence with a sword in his hand. As soon as he reaches the princess's room, he sees a fierce lion. Mahendra cuts off the lion's neck from its body with a single stroke of his sword. As soon as the lion's neck is cut off, the prince realizes that the lion and the rest of the animals are not real but wax statues. Now Prince Mahendra fearlessly moves forward and reaches Princess Moomal's room. When he sees Princess there, he keeps looking at her. Princess Moomal was as beautiful as an Nymph.

Prince Mahendra was also no less beautiful than anyone else. They both get attracted to each other. They start talking to each other. They talk and it becomes evening, and they don't even realize it. The next day, when Mahendra asks the princess for permission to go to Amarkot, the princess does not allow him to go and proposes marriage to him. Prince Mahendra says that he has already been married six times, so he cannot marry Princess Moomal.

Love Stories

Princess Moomal said, if you cannot marry me, then you have to promise me that you will come to meet me every day. Prince Mahendra was also fascinated by Princess Moomal, so he promised to meet the princess every day. Now after bidding farewell to the princess, Prince Mahendra left for Amarkot with his brother-in-law Hamir Jadeja. Prince Mahendra was fascinated by the beauty of Princess Moomal, he also wanted to meet the princess every day, but the distance from Amarkot to Lodrava was more than 100 miles. Mahendra was worried about how he would cover a distance of 100 miles every day.

Mahendra did not want to break his promise to the princess, so Mahendra reaches a camel herder. Mahendra asks him, is there any camel that can take me from Amarkot to Lodrava at night and bring me back before morning. Hearing this, the camel herder gives Prince Mahendra his fastest running camel Chital. Now Prince Mahendra would travel from Amarkot to Lodrava every day riding this fast camel and after meeting Princess, he would return to Amarkot before dawn and go to his room and sleep.

This continued for many months, gradually all the queens of the prince became suspicious. When the queens inquired, they came to know that Prince Mahendra goes to Lodrava from Amarkot and meets Princess Moomal. To prevent Mahendra from meeting Moomal, his queens poisoned and killed a chital camel. Seeing the chital camel dead, Prince Mahendra becomes worried that how will he go to meet Moomal every day now.

So he goes back to that camel herder and asks him for another camel like a chital. The camel herder had a female camel, which ran as fast as a chital, the camel herder gave that female camel to Mahendra. Also, the camel herder warned Mahendra that if you whip this female camel, it will distract you from the path, so do not attack it in any way. Mahindra understood the camel herder's words and leaves for Lodrava with the female camel.

Love Stories

On the way, Mahendra forgets the words of the camel-keeper and in a hurry to meet Princess Moomal, he whips the female camel. As soon as the whip hits, the female camel starts running in the opposite direction and makes Mahendra wander in the desert. On the other hand, Princess Moomal was waiting for Mahendra in the palace of Lodrava. Due to getting lost on the way, Mahendra could not reach on time today, so the princess becomes sad. To entertain the sad princess, the princess's sister and her friends start playing games, in which the princess's sister wears clothes like men. As it is very late in the night, both the sisters fall asleep while playing.

While sleeping, Moomal's sister is wearing men's clothes. On the other hand, Mahendra somehow finds his way through the desert and reaches Moomal's palace, and goes straight to Moomal's room. As soon as Mahendra entered Moomal's room, the sight there shocked him. Mahendra saw that Moomal was sleeping with a man, seeing this scene Mahendra became very angry, and his whip fell from his hand. Mahendra returned to Amarkot without meeting Princess Moomal.

When Moomal wakes up in the morning, she sees Mahendra's whip lying outside her room. Moomal thinks that Mahendra had definitely come here, but why did he return without meeting me. Then Moomal understood that Mahendra must have thought that seeing her sister in men's clothes, she was sleeping with a man, that is why he returned angry with me. On the other hand, after returning to Amarkot, Mahendra started hating Moomal. His hatred had increased so much that he had decided that he would never meet Moomal again.

15-20 days passed, Mahendra did not go to meet Moomal. On the other hand, Moomal truly loved Mahendra, she used to wait impatiently for Mahendra's arrival every day, but after that day Mahendra never came to meet her. Moomal also wrote many letters to Mahendra, but Mahendra did not reply to any letter. One day Moomal decided that she herself would go to Amarkot to meet Mahendra. Moomal leaves for Amrakot with some of her servants.

Love Stories

After reaching outside Mahendra's palace in Amarkot, Moomal sends her message to Mahendra that Princess Moomal of Lodrava has come to meet him herself. This message reaches Mahendra, but Mahindra was still angry with Moomal, so he sends a message to Princess Moomal that Mahendra is not well, so he cannot meet her. Moomal wanted to meet Mahendra at any cost, so she decided to spend the night in Amarkot itself. Moomal started living in Amarkot by camping there.

Next morning, Princess Moomal sends a message again, how is Prince Mahendra's health now, can he meet me. Mahendra once again refused to meet Moomal by making an excuse of ill health. Princess Moomal said that until Prince Mahendra's health does not improve, she will stay in Amarkot itself and will go back only after meeting him. Princess Moomal truly loved Mahendra, so she would send her servants everyday to ask about Mahendra's health and request him to meet her. But Mahendra would refuse to meet her everyday citing his poor health as an excuse.

This sequence continued for many days. Mahendra got tired of giving the same answer everyday. One day Mahendra ordered his gatekeepers that the next time when Princess Moomal's servants come to ask about his health, tell them that Prince Mahendra has died due to a black snake bite. The next day when Princess Moomal's servants came to ask about Mahendra's health, the gatekeepers told them as per Mahendra's orders that Prince Mahendra died due to a snake bite.

Love Stories

When the servants conveyed this news to Princess Moomal that Mahendra has died due to a snake bite, Princess Moomal fell on the ground on hearing this news. Princess Moomal was so shocked on hearing this news that she died. Princess Moomal loved Mahendra so much that she died on hearing the news of Mahendra's death.

When this news reaches Prince Mahendra that Princess Moomal died on hearing the news of your death. Hearing this news, Prince Mahendra also gets a deep shock, he immediately reaches the dead body of Princess Moomal. Mahendra is very sad to see the dead body of the princess, he starts considering himself the reason for the death of the princess and in this shock he himself also goes mad, and in a few days Prince Mahendra also gave up his life in the memory of Princess Moomal. Thus the love story of Mahendra and Moomal comes to a tragic end.

Love Stories

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