True Story of Time Travel - Story online - English Stories


Thursday, August 8, 2024

True Story of Time Travel - Story online

True Story of Time Travel - Story Online

On a late night in downtown New York, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) office was bustling, even late at night. Agent Rebecca Shaw had been tracking unusual trading patterns for months. Someone was taking impossibly accurate stock trades that had made him more than $350 million from $800 in just two weeks. Rebecca's investigation led to the arrest of a man named Andrew Karlsin for insider trading on January 28, 2003. He was an ordinary guy with no known history in finance or connections to powerful people. The SEC had no choice but to bring him in for questioning.

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Andrew Karlsin was sitting at a table in a room, his demeanor extremely calm despite the seriousness of the situation. Rebecca came in, Rebecca kept her voice steady and told Karlsin "You have been arrested for insider trading. It is impossible to explain your financial activities through legal means. We need to know how you did it."

Andrew leaned back in his chair, a light smile on his lips. "I understand your concern, Agent Shaw. But I am not an insider trader, an insider trader trades only in one or two stocks. But I have taken trades of almost all the big companies, do you think I am so influential that I have access to the top management of all the big companies?"

Rebecca - So what's the truth then?

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Andrew - The truth is... you won't believe me.

Rebecca's patience ran out. "Explain to me," she challenged.

Taking a deep breath, Andrew leaned forward and spoke. "I'm a time traveller from the year 2256."

Rebecca's initial reaction was one of disbelief. She had heard many absurd statements in her career, but this was a new level of stupidity. "You expect me to believe that you're travelling through time to make a fortune in the stock market?"

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Andrew nodded. "I can understand how you feel. But I'm telling you the truth. I was part of a research team studying historical financial markets. During that research, I came up with the idea of ​​going back in time and making money from trades so that I could live a comfortable life in my own time. I couldn't resist the temptation and used our technology for personal gain. So I know everything that's going to happen in advance."

Rebecca examined him, looking for any signs of deception. But there was an honesty in Andrew's eyes that troubled her. "If you're from the future, prove it. Tell me something about the future."

Andrew hesitated, then began to speak. He detailed events with uncanny precision: the exact date of the coming stock market crash, political upheaval, natural disasters. Rebecca noted everything, her skepticism gradually turning into a restless curiosity. Andrew's knowledge was too precise to be called a fortuneteller or a guesser.

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"How did you get here?" she asked, her voice softer now.

Andrew explained the technology—a miniature displacement device, highly advanced in his time and closely guarded. He had stolen it, modified it to travel to the early 21st century. His plan was to live a comfortable life from his stock market profits, but he had miscalculated. The device was damaged during his visit, preventing him from returning.

Rebecca's mind was confused. If Andrew was telling the truth, the potential for misuse of such technology was staggering. "Why did you tell me all this?" Rebecca asked.You could have told me some other story.

Andrew sighed. "Because I need your help. My device is damaged, but it can't be repaired. I need some materials to fix it, materials that aren't readily available. And I'm running out of time."

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Rebecca didn't understand this. A time traveller's time is running out. She considered her options. Turning him over to the authorities could lead to endless exploitation of his knowledge, and the possibilities of that knowledge being misused were terrifying. On the other hand, helping him could mean helping a criminal.

"Okay," she finally said. "What do you need?"

Over the next few days, Rebecca secretly gathered the materials Andrew needed. Her colleagues at the SEC were growing restless, demanding progress on Andrew's case. Rebecca feigned delays, knowing that if anyone found out about her actions, her career would be over. Despite her doubts, something deep within urged her to see this through.

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One night, Rebecca took all the materials and equipment she had and went to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town, the location Andrew had told her about. She found Andrew waiting there, having created a makeshift laboratory among the building's decaying remains. He worked quickly with the materials Rebecca had brought, and repaired his device.

As the final adjustments were made, the device emitted a soft hum, its lights flashing. "It's done," Andrew said, relief evident in his voice. "Now I can go home."

Rebecca felt uncertain. "What will happen to you when you get back?" she asked.

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Andrew's face filled with sadness. He said, "If my device hadn't broken, I would have returned to my world on time and lived a luxurious life. But I've spent too much time here; by now, they would have started searching for this device in my time, and they would have realized that I stole it. I'll be arrested as soon as I return there. Time travel is heavily regulated in our world, and my actions are serious violations. But at least the knowledge I have won't fall into the wrong hands."

Before Rebecca could say anything, the warehouse was flooded with light. She shielded her eyes, listening to the sound of helicopters overhead. She had been followed. Agents entered the building with weapons drawn. Rebecca's heart sank as she realized that Andrew could be arrested at any moment.

Andrew moved quickly and activated the device. He turned to Rebecca, his eyes filled with gratitude and regret. "Thank you," he said. "For believing in me."

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With a blinding flash, Andrew and the device vanished, leaving only a faint residue of energy behind. The agents broke into the warehouse, but it was too late. Rebecca was taken into custody, her superiors investigating all her activities.

Rebecca faced intense scrutiny and weeks turned into months. She was suspended from duty, her career ruined. Despite the consequences, she felt a strange sense of peace. She had glimpsed a future that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. And although she couldn't prove it, she knew in her heart that Andrew's story was true.

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