The Warrior’s Oath: Pabuji’s Legacy - All free novel - English Stories


Monday, July 29, 2024

The Warrior’s Oath: Pabuji’s Legacy - All free novel

The Warrior’s Oath: Pabuji’s Legacy - All free novel

Pabuji was born in a village named Kolumand in Jodhpur district. There was a king in Jodhpur state, whose name was Rao Dhuhadji. Rao Dhuhadji's younger brother's name was Dhandalji, Pabuji was the son of this Dhandalji. Pabuji's mother's name was Kamalade, his wife's name was Phoolnade and his friends were two Bhil brothers named Chanda and Dama. It is said that the mother who gave birth to Pabuji was an nymph, and later he was raised by Kamalade, hence Kamalade is known as Pabuji's mother.

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A story is popular in this context, which is as follows. Once a nymph from heaven was roaming on the land of Marwar at night, there was a pond nearby. The nymph wanted to take a bath in the pond, so she started bathing in it. At that time Dhandal ji was passing by on his horse. He saw that nymph and went to her.


When the nymph saw Dhandal ji, she said to him, I am an nymph from heaven, we roam on earth evading the eyes of people. If someone sees us, then our power to go back to heaven ends, now you have seen me, so I cannot go back to heaven, now where will I stay on this earth.

Dhandal ji said, you can marry me and live with me in my palace. nymph said, I am ready to marry you, but I have two conditions. The first condition is that you will have to build my own palace separately, my second condition is that no one will enter my palace without my permission, not even you. Dhandal ji accepted both the conditions of nymph, and after this they both got married. After some time, they had a son, who was named Pabuji.

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Pabuji was very beautiful and radiant, he used to live in that palace with his mother. No one used to come and go in that palace without the permission of Pabuji's mother. Even when Pabuji's father Dhandal ji used to enter that palace, he used to enter only after taking permission from Pabuji's mother. One day Dhandal ji entered that palace by mistake without permission. When he reached inside, he saw a lioness sitting there and feeding milk to Pabuji. As soon as the lioness saw Dhandalji, she transformed into an nymph.

Dhandal ji asked nymph about the secret of that lioness. nymph told that I have the power to change my form and many other different powers. When I am alone, I live in different forms and play with my child and spend time with him. That is why I told you that no one will enter this palace without my permission. But today you have broken your promise by entering the palace without my permission, so now I cannot stay here with you, I have to leave.

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From today onwards you have to take care of this child. A mother has two wishes, to feed her child and raise him, and to see him sitting on a mare in the wedding. I fed this child and raised him, but my wish to see him sitting on a mare remained unfulfilled because you broke your promise in between. So now you take care of this child and I am going back to my world. Saying this, the nymph went from there to her heaven.

After this, another queen of Dhandalji, Kamalade, raised Pabuji with great affection, that is why Kamalade is known as Pabuji's mother. Gradually, Pabuji grew up and became eligible for marriage. Pabuji was engaged to Phoolnade, the daughter of Surajmal Soda, the king of Amarkot, a princely state in Sindh province of today's Pakistan. Their marriage was to take place in a few days, preparations for Pabuji's marriage were going on in Marwar, and one day the auspicious day of marriage also arrived.

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Pabuji wore a very good sherwani on the wedding day, and tied a magnificent turban with kilungi and turra. Pabuji looked very handsome in the groom's attire. Pabuji's two friends Chanda and Dama were with Pabuji. They said, Pabuji, today you are looking very handsome, today the balconies of the houses of Amarkot will break to see you. All the preparations made for the wedding procession are very good, but there is only one shortcoming, that we do not have a good mare. Without a good mare, the groom cannot look good. Pabuji said, we will have to manage with the mare we have, and where will we get a good mare from?

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Pabuji's friend said, in our village Kolumand there is a woman of Charan caste, whose name is Deval, she has a very beautiful mare, whose name is Kesar Kalami. No one in the whole of Marwar has a mare more beautiful than that. If we get that mare, then our work will be done, because there is no other mare more beautiful than that. Pabuji said, then it is okay, both of you go and ask mother Deval for that mare for a few days.

Both brothers Chanda and Dama reached that woman of Charan caste, Deval, and told her that Pabuji's marriage procession is going, and they do not have a good mare. No one in the whole of Marwar has a mare like your Kesar Kalami. If you give us Kesar Kalami for a few days, then how beautiful Pabuji will look when he sits on it and takes the marriage procession. Therefore, give us your Kesar Kalami mare.

Deval Charani said, our prince is getting married, I am very happy about it. And if the prince will ride my mare and take the wedding procession, then I will consider myself lucky. But I have a lot of cows, and my cowherd goes to graze the cows sitting on Kesar Kalami. Both of you know that nowadays cow robbery has increased a lot. God forbid, if tomorrow my cows are looted, then that cowherd can immediately run and inform, so that the villagers can protect those cows. If you take Kesar Kalami, and my cows are looted later, then how will I save my cows.

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On hearing this, both the brothers returned disappointed, and they told Pabuji, that Deval Charani has given this answer. On hearing their words, Pabuji himself reached Deval, and told him that you give me Kesar Kalami, I promise you to protect your cows. Deval Charani said, Pabuji, how will you be able to protect my cows. You are taking the wedding procession, you will be immersed in the wedding ceremony and the joy of hospitality, then how will you protect my cows.

Pabuji said, I promise you, I am taking the wedding procession from here, and if I get news on the way that your cows are being looted, then I will come back from the middle of the way to protect your cows. If I am eating food, then I will leave the food and come back. If I am hitting the Toran, then I will leave the Toran and come back, and if I get to know in the middle of the seven rounds, then I will leave the rounds and come to protect your cows (In Hinduism, for marriage, the husband and wife circle the fire seven times, only after which the marriage is completed, this ritual is called seven rounds). Deval said, Pabuji, you are saying so much, then you take the mare. Pabuji brings Kesar Kalami. Kesar Kalami was actually a very beautiful mare.

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Pabuji reached Amarkot with the wedding procession. When a handsome young man like Pabuji sat on a mare like Kesar Kalami, the people of Amarkot were stunned. Along with Pabuji, people were also praising the mare. In those days, when a mare came in the wedding procession, a race was made between that mare and other horses. That day, when Kesar Kalami was made to race with the horses of Amarkot, Kesar Kalami won the race.

Kesar Kalami was tired due to walking from such a long distance, and the horses of Amarkot were standing there without any fatigue, despite this Kesar Kalami had won the race. The people of Amarkot were very angry at this, that Kesar Kalami had defeated their horses, so they thought of teaching a lesson to Pabuji during the Toran.

At the time of Toran, the people of Amarkot had tied the Toran very high. In those days hitting the Toran was considered a show of strength. When Pabuji reached to hit the Toran, he saw that the Toran was tied very high, he thought, if I am not able to hit this Toran today, then I will be humiliated in my in-laws' house. Pabuji stroked Kesar Kalami, and said to him, Kesar, don't let the Rathores' clan be disgraced today, don't let the Marwar clan be disgraced today.

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Today you show your skills and help me in breaking this toran. After this Pabuji asked the drummer to play the drums. On Pabuji's command the drummer plays a loud drum, on whose tune Kesar mare dances, and while dancing jumps and puts both her feet on the battlements of the fort of Amarkot, after this Pabuji hits the toran with ease.

All the people standing there were surprised to see this feat of Pabuji and Kesar Kalvi. Everyone was very happy, the women started saying what a handsome young man has come, sitting on a beautiful mare. After this, when the friends of Pabuji's wife Phoolnade went and told her all this, that your husband has hit the toran outside in this way, is sitting on such a nice mare, and looks so beautiful. Hearing these things, Phoolnade became very happy in her heart.

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After this, Pabuji went inside the fort, in a short while, Pabuji started taking rounds of the fire with Phoolnade. Pabuji had taken only three rounds, when Deval Charani herself reached there and crying, she told Pabuji, I had told you, do not take my mare, my cows will be looted. That day you were talking big, that wherever we are, we will come back from there and will protect your cows.

Today my cows have been looted, my everything has been destroyed, and you are sitting here and enjoying these rounds, you should be ashamed. Pabuji asked, mother Deval, tell me, who took your cows. I have come after giving you a promise, and I will definitely protect your cows. Deval Charani said, my cows were taken away by Jindrao-Khichi.

Jind Rao Khinchi was the king of Jayal, he was Pabuji's brother-in-law, Pabuji's real sister was married to Jind Rao Khinchi. But after that marriage, Jind Rao Khinchi and Pabuji's family did not get along. Jind Rao Khinchi wanted to stop Pabuji's marriage. As soon as he came to know that Pabuji had come after promising Deval Charani to protect her cows, he looted Deval's cows to stop Pabuji's marriage.

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Pabuji had taken only three rounds, but after listening to Deval Charani, he broke the marriage knot at that very moment. Seeing this, the people of Amarkot were stunned, and said, Pabuji how can you leave the marriage midway, at least complete the rounds. Pabuji said, my word is important before the rounds, I had promised Deval that even if I have to go in between the rounds to protect her cows, I will definitely go. So I will definitely go to fulfil my promise, otherwise no one will believe in the word of Rathores in future.

Saying this, Pabuji leaves from there and follows Jind Rao Khinchi. On the way, there is a village named Dechu, where a fierce battle took place between Pabuji and Jind Rao Khinchi. In this war, Pabuji saves the cows of Deval Charani and takes them back to Deval with some of his soldiers. But Pabuji dies fighting in this war.

A warrior who had left the wedding rounds in the middle to protect his promises and sacrificed his life while protecting the cows, such a brave warrior is worshipped as a folk deity in Rajasthan. Pabuji had taken only three rounds in his marriage, that is why since that day, only four rounds are taken instead of seven in Rajasthani weddings. Because the people of Rajasthan believe that Pabuji had taken three rounds in marriage, hence only the remaining four rounds are taken in marriage.

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