God's Mysterious Ways: Birbal's Unwavering Belief - Story Online - English Stories


Monday, July 22, 2024

God's Mysterious Ways: Birbal's Unwavering Belief - Story Online

God's Mysterious Ways: Birbal's Unwavering Belief - Story Online

Birbal was an honest and religious person. He used to worship God daily. This gave him moral and mental strength. He often used to say that "Whatever God does, he does for the good of man. Sometimes we feel that God does not have mercy on us, but it is not so. Sometimes people make the mistake of considering his blessings as curses. He gives us a little pain so that we can avoid big pain."

A courtier did not like such things of Birbal. One day the same courtier addressed Birbal in the court and said, "Look, what God has done to me. Yesterday evening when I was cutting fodder for the animals, suddenly my little finger got cut. Will you still say that God has done this good for me?''


After remaining silent for some time, Birbal said, ''I still believe this because whatever God does, he does it for the good of man.''
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Hearing this, the courtier got angry that my finger got cut and Birbal is seeing goodness in it. My pain is as if nothing. Some other courtiers also joined him.

Then Emperor Akbar intervened and said, ''Birbal, we also believe in Allah, but we do not agree with you here. There is nothing in this courtier's case for which he can be praised.''

Birbal said smiling, ''Okay, Your Majesty, only time will tell.''

Three months had passed. The courtier, whose finger was cut, had gone out hunting in the dense forest. While chasing a deer, he got lost and fell into the hands of the tribals. Those tribals believed in human sacrifice to please their god. So they caught that courtier and took him to the temple to sacrifice him. But when the priest inspected his body, he found one finger missing from his hand.
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"No, this man cannot be sacrificed." The priest of the temple said, "If this man with nine fingers is sacrificed, then our god will get angry instead of being pleased, he does not like incomplete sacrifices. We may have to face the wrath of epidemics, floods or droughts. So it would be better to let him go."

And that courtier was freed.

The next day that courtier came to Birbal in the court and started crying.

Just then the king also arrived in the court and was surprised to see that courtier crying in front of Birbal.

“What happened to you, why are you crying?” Akbar asked.
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In response, the courtier told his story in detail. He said, “Now I am convinced that whatever God does, he does it for the good of man. If my finger had not been cut, the tribals would have definitely sacrificed me. That is why I am crying, but these tears are of joy. I am happy because I am alive. It was my mistake to doubt Birbal's belief in God.”

Akbar smiled slightly and looked at the courtiers, who were standing quietly with their heads bowed. Akbar was feeling proud that a wise man like Birbal was one of his courtiers.

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