First Story: Betaal Pachisi Story online - English Stories


Friday, July 19, 2024

First Story: Betaal Pachisi Story online

First Story: Betaal Pachisi Story online

It is a very old story. A king named Gandharvasen ruled in Dhara Nagari. He had four queens. He had six sons, all of whom were very smart and strong. Coincidentally, one day the king died and his elder son Vikrama ascended the throne in his place. He was a very majestic king, his kingdom grew day by day and he became the king of the whole of Asia. One day it occurred to him that he should travel and see the countries whose names he had heard. So he handed over his kingdom to his younger brother Bhartrihari, became a yogi and left the kingdom to travel.

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A priest used to do penance in his city. One day the god was pleased and gave him a fruit and said that whoever eats it will become immortal. The priest brought that fruit and gave it to his wife and also told her what the god said. His wife said, “What will we do after becoming immortal? We will always beg. It is better to die than this. You take this fruit and give it to the king and bring some money in return.”


Hearing this, the priest took the fruit and went to King Bhartrihari and told him the whole story. Bhartrihari took the fruit and gave the priest one hundred thousand rupees and sent him away. Bhartrihari loved one of his queens very much. He went to the palace and gave that fruit to her. The queen was friends with the police chief of the city. She gave that fruit to the police chief. The police chief used to visit a prostitute. He gave that fruit to that prostitute. The prostitute thought that the king should eat this fruit. She took it to King Bhartrihari and gave it to him.

When Bhartrihari saw the fruit, he recognized it. He was shocked, but he did not say anything to anyone. He went to the palace and asked the queen what she did with the fruit. The queen said, “I ate it.” The king took out the fruit and showed it to her. The queen got scared and told the truth. When Bhartrihari investigated, he came to know the truth. He was very sad. He thought, this world is an illusion. There is no one of our own in this. He came out with the fruit, got it washed and ate it himself. Then he left the kingdom, disguised as a yogi and went to the forest to do penance.

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With Bhartrihari going to the forest, Vikram's throne became vacant. When the king of gods Indra got this news, he sent a god to guard Dhaar Nagri. He started staying there day and night.

When Vikram came to know that Bhartrihari had left the kingdom and gone to the forest, he returned to his country. It was midnight. When he tried to enter the city, Dev stopped him. The king said, “I am Vikram. This is my kingdom. Who are you to stop me?”

Dev said, “King of heaven Indra has sent me to guard this city. If you are the true king Vikram, then come and fight with me first.” Only King Vikram can defeat me in battle.

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Both of them fought. The king defeated Dev in a short time. Then Dev said, “O King! You have defeated me. I accept my defeat.

After this, god said, “O King, you were born at a very special time, so you are an extraordinary person. At the time when you were born, two more people were born on this earth. You were born in the house of a king, the second in the house of a oilman and the third in the house of a potter. You rule here, the oilman ruled the netherworld. The potter killed the oilman using tantra, turned him into a vampire in the crematorium and hung him from a Siras tree. Now he wants to kill you and become the king of this earth. Beware of him.”

Saying this, god left and the king came to the palace. Everyone was very happy to see the king return. There was joy in the city. The king started ruling again.

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One day, a yogi named Shantishiel came to the king in the court and gave him a fruit and went away. The king suspected that this was the man god had told him about! Thinking this, he did not eat the fruit, gave it to the storekeeper. The yogi used to come every day and give a fruit to the king and go away.

Coincidentally, one day the king had gone to see his stable. The Yogi reached there and gave the fruit to the king. The king threw it and it slipped from his hand and fell on the ground. At the same time a monkey picked it up and broke it. A red ruby ​​came out of it, whose brilliance dazzled everyone's eyes. The king was very surprised. He asked the Yogi, "Why do you give me this red ruby ​​every day?"

The Yogi replied, "Maharaj! One should never go empty handed to the house of a king, guru, astrologer, doctor and daughter."

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The king called the storekeeper and asked for all the earlier fruits. On breaking them, one red ruby ​​came out of each one. The king was very happy to see so many red rubies. He called the jeweler and asked their price. The jeweler said, "Maharaj, these red rubies are so precious that their value cannot be measured even in crores of rupees. Each ruby ​​is equal to one kingdom."

Hearing this, the king took the Yogi to his palace and asked him, “Tell me what can I do for you?”

The yogi said, “Maharaj, the thing is that I am perfecting a mantra in the crematorium on the banks of the river Godavari. Once it is perfected, my wish will be fulfilled. If you stay with me for one night, my mantra will be perfected. One night, come to me alone with weapons.”

The king said, “That is good.”

After this, the yogi went to his monastery, telling a specific day and time.

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When that day came, the king reached there alone. The yogi made him sit near him. After sitting for a while, the king asked, “What is your order for me?”

The yogi said, “O King, there is a dead body hanging from a Siras tree in the crematorium at a distance of four miles from here in the south direction. Bring it to me, till then I will do rituals here.”

Hearing this, the king left from there. It was a terrible night. Darkness was spread all around. It was raining. Ghosts and spirits were making noise. Snakes kept coming and wrapping themselves around his feet. But the king kept moving forward with courage. When he reached the crematorium, he saw that the lions were roaring and the elephants were trumpeting. The king walked fearlessly and reached the Siras tree. The entire tree was burning with fire. The king thought, this might be the same Yogi about whom the God had told him. A dead body tied with a rope was hanging from the tree. The king climbed the tree and cut the rope with his sword. The dead body fell down and started crying loudly.

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The king came down and asked, “Who are you?”

The king had just said this when the dead body burst out laughing. The king was very surprised. Then the dead body again went up and hung on the tree. The king climbed up again and cut the rope, pressed the dead body against his armpit and came down. He said, “Tell me, who are you?”

The dead body remained silent.

Then the king tied him in a sheet and took him to the Yogi. On the way the dead body said, “I am Betal. Who are you and where are you taking me?”

The king said, “My name is Vikram. I am the king of Dhara Nagari. I am taking you to the Yogi.”

Veetaal said, “I will come on one condition. If you speak on the way, I will return and hang myself on the tree again.”

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The king agreed to his proposal. Then Vetaal said, “ clever and wise, their days are spent in good things, while the days of fools are spent in quarrels and sleep. It will be better if our journey is spent in discussing good things. I will tell you a story. Listen.”

The rest of the story in the second part. .......

Read the Second story Betal Pachisi here

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