Motivational stories : How a poor boy fulfilled his dreams - English Stories


Friday, February 17, 2023

Motivational stories : How a poor boy fulfilled his dreams

Motivational story : How a poor boy fulfilled his dreams

A boy lived in a very poor country in Africa. The boy was the eldest of his eight siblings. His father was able to earn very little money by working as a laborer, which was not enough for his family. Their lives were being spent in extreme poverty. There was also a lot of lack of basic things like food and clothes in their life.
Motivational stories
Neither did they have good clothes to wear, nor could they all get enough food, they had to spend many days without food. In the name of home, he had only a dilapidated hut, which was made of mud.

Since the boy was the eldest of all his siblings, he wanted to help his family. He could not see such condition of his family, so he wanted to help his family by doing some job. But the country where he lived was one of the poorest countries in the world. Government jobs in that country were almost non-existent, apart from this there was no big company in that country, which could give employment to the people.

There was a complete lack of employment and work in that country. The people there used to earn their living by doing coffee farming and doing odd jobs. In such a situation, that boy was not getting any work anywhere, and that boy was not able to do anything for his family even if he wanted to. That boy would leave his house every morning and try to find work in the city.
Motivational stories
One day his hard work paid off, and he got a job at a petrol pump in the city. The salary was very less, but it was enough for him, because even a little is enough for someone who has nothing, if he gets anything. He started working very hard, he used to go to the city on foot every day and come back on foot after working for the whole day.

He used to get very tired after working so hard, but now he was also able to help his family, he was happy about it. Not much, but now his family members used to have a full meal everyday. But the economic condition of his family was not very good. There was always a lack of basic things in their life.

Due to daily walking, his slippers used to wear out very quickly. He always used to buy old shoes and slippers from a scrap. New shoes were beyond his means, so he used to buy only old shoes and slippers. But he walked so much that his slippers were completely worn out within a few weeks.
Motivational stories
It went on like this for a year or two. He worked very hard and helped his family. But even after so much hard work, he was not able to do anything better for his family. He wanted to give all the comforts to his family. But this dream of his could not be fulfilled by working at the petrol pump, but he had no other work other than this.

One day the boy was sitting at the petrol pump watching the vehicles coming and going in his spare time. Only then he understood a Business idea by looking at the tires of the vehicles.  He thought that the tires of vehicles run for many thousand of kilometers, yet they do not spoil much, and old tires are of no use, so they are available very cheaply. So something can be done with these tires.

The same day in the evening he bought an old car tire and took it home. When the family members asked him what will he do with this old tyre, he did not say anything. Now he would bring home an old tire every evening. He collected a lot of tires at home, when the family members ask him what he will do with these tires, he does not tell anything.
Motivational stories
His family members started thinking that he has lost his mind, the people around also started laughing at him, that this boy has gone mad, who is collecting old waste tyres. But that boy didn't care about people's words, he had to work on his idea, so he kept collecting tires continuously.

For five to six months, he continued to buy tires and bring them home. Now a huge pile of tires had accumulated outside his house. Seeing such a huge pile of waste tyres, many people laughed at him, many people considered him mad but he didn't care about anyone, he was engaged in his work regardless of anyone.

One day he returned home early from his work. This time it was not an old tire in his hand but some tools and some material. After coming home, he told his family members that from tomorrow I will not go to the city to work, but will work from home with these tyres. His family members are now convinced that this boy has gone completely mad.
Motivational stories
The same day the boy made ten pairs of slippers by cutting four-five tires with his tools. The slippers made from old tires were very strong, and long lasting, and very comfortable to wear. Apart from this, due to being made of old tyres, those slippers were made at a very low cost. Those whom he could earn a very good profit by selling at a very cheap price.

The boy knew that the people of his country were very poor, they could not buy new shoes and slippers. So if they find a sturdy and durable slipper at a cheap price, they will definitely buy it. So he came up with the idea of making slippers out of old tyres.

The next day the boy went to the city to sell those ten pairs of slippers. People in the city liked his strong and cheap slippers very much, and people immediately bought his slippers. He had made a very good profit from these slippers. He never thought that people would like his slippers so much.

His enthusiasm had increased because the slippers were sold out so quickly. After selling the slippers, he returned to his home by noon. When he told the whole thing to the family members, that people liked his slippers very much and people immediately bought his slippers, then his family members also became very happy, and started praising the boy's mind. Now even his family members started helping him in making slippers.
Motivational stories
The next day he went to the city with twenty pairs of slippers, and by noon all his slippers were sold. Now his slippers making business had started. within a few weeks the pile of old tires he had collected was over. Now he ordered a truck full of old tyres. Now his whole family started helping him in making slippers. His father also left his job as a laborer, and started helping him in his work.

When his business started growing, his financial condition also started improving. First he bought an old car on installments to commute to the city. With the help of the car, he started saving a lot of time and he started selling more slippers by taking them to the city. Now he started selling slippers of different designs. His slippers were strong, cheap and beautiful, due to which their demand started increasing with time.

When the demand increased, he bought some machines and opened a small factory for making slippers. Now people living around him who used to laugh at him, started coming to him asking for work. 

He employed many people in his factory. Within a few years, he opened many such factories in different parts of the country, in which thousands of people started working. The slippers made by him started being sold all over the country and were also exported to some other poor countries.
Motivational stories
Now all the dreams of that boy had come true, his family was living a better life, they had all the luxuries and a nice and luxurious house to live in. Thousands of people used to work in his company. Now he was counted among some of the richest people in his country. His one idea had changed his whole life.