Story of a Mysterious Train - All Free Novel - English Stories


Saturday, March 11, 2023

Story of a Mysterious Train - All Free Novel

Story of a Mysterious Train All free novel

On June 14, 1911, a train company in the Italian city of Rome selects 100 people to travel on its first train, Zenity. Because this was the first trial of the train, That's why the company also arranges for the amenities and food and drink for all the passengers for their promotion and for a beautiful train journey. For this, 6 employees are also kept in the train to take care of the passengers, who take care of the passengers during the journey.
Thus a total of 106 passengers boarded the train. There was also a complete arrangement for the return of all the passengers. The train starts its journey at the scheduled time. Apart from an engine, there were three more coaches in the train, in which all the passengers were travelling. 

Story of a Mysterious Train

The train was moving through the beautiful roads of Italy, all the passengers were traveling enjoying the beautiful views, everything was going according to schedule. But after some time something happened with that train, due to which even after passing of more than 100 years, the people of Italy are surprised.

The train was moving ahead of its scheduled route, then a tunnel came in the way of the train, which was named Lombardy Tunnel. This tunnel was about 1 kilometer long. This tunnel was being used for a very long time, so passing through this tunnel was not a special thing for the train, it was a common route for the train. But this time this train went inside from one end of the tunnel, but did not come out from the other end, that train got lost somewhere inside this tunnel.
All the people of Italy were surprised by this incident. Even after a day's time had passed, there was no trace of that train with 106 passengers. When the company officials were asked about the train, the only information they had was that the train was last seen entering the Lombardy Tunnel. Apart from this, they did not have any information about that train.

After this, the news of that zenity train started appearing in the national newspapers of Italy, due to which the governments there also got information about it. Everyone was wondering as to how such a huge train with 106 passengers could disappear in a tunnel only 1 kilometer long.

The train company thought that there might be a huge pit in the tunnel in which the train would have fallen, so the train did not come out from the other side of the tunnel. That's why the company sent a team of experts to investigate in that tunnel. All the experts reached that tunnel in fear because this incident had filled everyone's mind with fear. The team of experts closely examined that tunnel, but neither did they see any big pit inside the tunnel nor did they find any clue of that train.
Gradually, with the passage of time, all the possibilities of meeting those 106 passengers as well as that train were ending. Due to this, the government of the country and that train company were being defamed a lot, but that train company and the government there could not do anything in this matter. Two young men living in Mexico shortly after the train went missing claim to have been part of the mysterious journey on the same train, and were among the 100 passengers.

When both those youths were asked how they had survived the train accident, both the youths told that they had jumped from the train even before it entered the tunnel. When he was asked why you had jumped, everyone was surprised to hear what they told. they told that even before the train entered the tunnel, a thick black smoke was filled in the train, and at the same time strange and terrible sounds started coming. Seeing all this, panic spread in the entire train.

Seeing such strange incidents, the driver of the train had also applied brakes to stop the train even before the train entered the tunnel, due to which the speed of the train was reduced, and they both jumped from that train. But both of them were badly injured during the jump, and they lay there unconscious for some days, so that they did not know anything about what had happened to that train.
In the inquiry and investigation done with them, the government did not come to know anything that could give some clue about that train. Because the mental condition of both of them was not looking good, their words could not be believed. After some time, another such claim came to the fore, which again forced everyone to think.

This was the claim of a doctor from Mexico. He told that a total of 104 people had come to him for treatment the next day after the train accident. All those people were mentally ill, the doctor tried hard to know what had happened to all those people. But that doctor did not understand anything, because all those people were behaving very strangely.

The people of Italy were not able to trust this claim. But as the doctor said there were 104 people in all, and adding the two youths who made the first claim, the total number of passengers was 106. But in the end nothing was being gained from this claim. With time, people also started forgetting this incident. And all the investigating agencies had also accepted defeat in this matter, and with this this train accident remained a deep secret.
But after a few years, some such things came to light about this train, due to which everyone was again surprised. As this train was seen at different places at different times. In which some cities of Russia, Spain, Italy, Mexico and Ukraine were included. All the people who saw this train were telling exactly the same appearance as that of the missing train. The same train with one engine and three coaches was visible to everyone, and disappeared.

After this claim of the people, the experts concluded that the train was probably trapped in some kind of time travel inside the tunnel, and it never came out of the tunnel. That's why that train was being seen by people at different places at different times. Thus the mystery of that train could never be solved, and even today that train accident remains a huge mystery in Italy.
