Moral Story : The fox's Brilliant plan to teach the evil snake a lesson - English Stories


Saturday, July 6, 2024

Moral Story : The fox's Brilliant plan to teach the evil snake a lesson

Moral Story : The fox's Brilliant plan to teach the evil snake a lesson

Moral Stories in English

In a dense forest, there was a very old banyan tree. A crow and his mate lived in a nest on this tree. In the hollow trunk of the same tree, an evil snake started living. Every year, during the nesting season, the crowess would lay eggs, and the wicked snake, getting the opportunity, would go to their nest and eat the eggs.

One time, when the crow and the crowess returned early after finding food quickly, they saw the evil snake attacking their eggs. After eating the eggs, the snake went away. The crow consoled the crowess, saying, "Dear, have courage. Now we know our enemy. We will surely think of a solution."


The crow thought for a long time and then built a new nest on a higher branch, far above the previous one. He told the crowess, "Our eggs will be safe here. Our nest is near the top of the tree, and hawks hover in the sky above. Hawks are enemies of snakes. The evil snake will not dare to come up here."

Moral Stories in English

The crowess agreed, and she laid eggs in the new nest. The eggs were safe, and the chicks hatched. The snake, seeing their old nest empty, thought that the crows might have left due to fear. However, the evil snake was always on the lookout for them. One day, he saw the crow and the crowess flying to and from the same tree. It didn't take long for him to realize that they had built a new nest higher up in the tree.

One day, the snake came out of his hole and found the crows' new nest. The nest had three newborn babies of the crow couple. The wicked snake swallowed them one by one and returned to his hole to rest. When the crow and the crowess returned, they were stunned to find the nest empty. Seeing the damage in the nest and the scattered soft feathers of the small crows, they understood the whole situation. The crowess's heart burst with grief. She cried, "So will my children become the snake's food every year?"

The crow said, "No! Although we face a difficult problem, running away is not the solution. Friends are helpful in times of trouble. We should seek advice from our friend the fox."

Moral Stories in English

Both of them immediately went to the fox. The fox listened to their sorrowful story and wiped their tears. After much thought, the fox said, "Friends, you don't need to leave that tree. I have a plan in mind that can get rid of that evil snake forever." The fox shared her clever plan with them. Hearing the plan, the crow and the crowess were overjoyed. They thanked the fox and returned home.

The next day, they put the plan into action. In the same forest, there was a large lake with lotus and narcissus flowers blooming in it. Every Tuesday, the princess of that region would come there to play in the water with her friends. She was accompanied by guards and soldiers.

This time, when the princess arrived and entered the water to bathe, the crow flew over. He noticed the clothes and jewelry the princess and her friends had left on the shore. On top of the clothes was the princess's favorite necklace made of diamonds and pearls. To attract the attention of the princess and her friends, the crowess made a loud "caw-caw" sound.

Moral Stories in English

When everyone turned to look, the crow took the princess's precious necklace in his beak and flew away. The friends screamed, "Look, look! The crow is taking the princess's necklace!" The soldiers saw the crow flying away with the necklace and started running after him. The crow led them towards the tree.

When the soldiers were just a little distance away, the crow dropped the princess' necklace in such a way that it fell inside the snake's hole. The soldiers rushed to the hole. Their leader looked inside the hole. He saw the necklace and a black snake coiled near it.

He shouted 'Step back! There is a snake inside.' The leader threw a spear inside the hole. The snake got injured and came out hissing. As soon as it came out, the soldiers cut it into pieces with the spears. Thus that evil snake was destroyed.

Moral Stories in English

Moral: By using wisdom we can defeat even the biggest power and enemy, by using intelligence every crisis can be solved.

Moral:- "Cleverness and perseverance can overcome even the most formidable obstacles. When faced with challenges, wisdom and the support of friends can lead to effective solutions."

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Moral Stories in English