Karma, Fate and Three Fishes - Moral Stories in English - English Stories


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Karma, Fate and Three Fishes - Moral Stories in English

Karma, Fate and Three Fishes - Moral Stories in English

There was a big reservoir connected to a river on the bank of a river. The water in the reservoir is deep, so algae and aquatic microscopic plants, which are the favourite food of fishes, grew in it. Fishes like such places a lot. Many fishes from the river used to come and live in that reservoir. All the fishes used to come to that reservoir to lay eggs. That reservoir was not easily visible because it was surrounded by tall grass and bushes.

Moral Stories in English

Three fishes lived in the same reservoir, whose names were Anna, Pratyu and Yaddi. All three of them had different natures. Anna believed in taking measures to avert a crisis as soon as signs of a crisis were seen. Pratyu used to say that one should try to avoid a crisis only when it comes. Yaddi thought that it is useless to talk about averting a crisis or avoiding it, whatever is written in one's fate will happen.


One day in the evening, fishermen were going home after catching fish from the river. Today very few fishes were caught in their nets. Therefore, their faces were sad. Just then they saw a flock of fish-eating birds flying over the bushes. All of them had fish in their beaks. They were startled.

One of them guessed, “Friends! It seems there is a reservoir connected to the river behind the bushes, where so many fishes are growing.” The fishermen were overjoyed and came to the bank of the reservoir through the bushes and started looking at the fishes with greedy eyes.

Moral Stories in English

One fisherman said, “Aha! This reservoir is full of fishes. We never found out about this till today.” “We will find lots of fishes here.” Said the second one.

The third one said, “It is about to be evening today. We will come here tomorrow morning and cast our nets.”

This way the fishermen decided the next day’s program and left. All the three fishes had heard the fisherman.

Anna fish said, “Friends! You have heard the fisherman. Now our stay here is not free from danger. We have received information about the danger. One should take measures to save one's life in time. I am leaving this reservoir and going to the river through the canal. After that the fishermen may come in the morning and throw their nets, I don't care. By then I will be playing around far away.'

Moral Stories in English

In reply the Pratyu fish said, "If you want to go, go, I am not coming. There is no danger yet, that there is no need to panic so much, it is possible that the crisis may not come at all. The plan of those fishermen to come here may be cancelled. It is possible that rats may chew their nets at night, it is possible that their settlement may catch fire. An earthquake may destroy their village or there may be torrential rain at night and their village may be washed away in the flood, so their coming is not certain. When they come, we will think about it then. It is possible that I may not get caught in their net at all."

Yaddi said his fatalistic thing, "Nothing is going to happen by running away. If the fishermen have to come, they will come. If we have to get caught in the net, we will get caught. If death is written in one's fate, what can be done?"

In this way, Anna left from there at that very moment. Pratyu and Yaddi remained in the reservoir. When dawn broke, fishermen came with their nets and started throwing the nets in the reservoir and catching fish. When Pratyu saw the danger coming, she started thinking of ways to save her life. Her mind started working fast. There was no hollow place to hide nearby. Then she remembered that the corpse of a dead otter had been floating in that reservoir for a long time. That could be useful in saving her.

Moral Stories in English

Soon she found that corpse. The corpse had started rotting. Pratyu entered the stomach of the corpse and came out wrapping the stench of the rotting corpse around herself. In a short while, Pratyu got trapped in the fisherman's net. The fisherman pulled his net and overturned the fishes from the net on the shore. The rest of the fishes started writhing in pain, but Pratyu kept quiet and lay like a dead fish. When the fisherman got a whiff of rot, he started looking at the fish. He picked up Pratyu who was lying motionless and smelled it. “Aak! This is a fish that has been dead for many days. It has rotted.” Muttering and making a bad face, the fisherman threw Pratyu into the reservoir.

Pratyu was able to escape from the danger by using her intelligence. As soon as she fell into the water, she dived and reached a safe depth and was thankful for her life.

Yaddi was also caught in the net of another fisherman and was put in a basket. Yaddi, who was sitting relying on fate, died in agony like other fishes in the same basket.

Moral Stories in English

Moral: Luck also supports those who believe in karma and consider karma as the most important. The destruction of those who sit idle relying on fate is certain.

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