Boon of a Saint - Moral Stories in English - English Stories


Thursday, March 9, 2023

Boon of a Saint - Moral Stories in English

Boon of a Saint - Moral Stories in English

Once upon a time, a man lived in a village with his wife and daughter. Once a saint came to his village. That person kept that saint at his house and served him a lot for a few days. 

That saint became very pleased with the service of that person. While leaving, that saint said to that person, that I am very happy with your service spirit, and I want to give you something, so ask me for a boon.

Moral Story Boon of a Saint

The man was very poor, and he wanted to become rich. After listening to the boon, greed awakened in that person's mind. He said sir, if you want to give me something, then give me such a boon that whatever I touch becomes gold. 

Moral Stories in English

The saint said, ask for something else instead of this boon. This boon is very destructive, it will cause you a lot of trouble. I want your good, that's why I am saying, instead of this boon, ask for some other boon.

The person said, Sir, I want this same boon, if you want to give me something, then give me this boon.

The saint explained a lot to that person but he did not agree. At last, the saint gave him a boon that whatever object you touch will turn into gold. After giving this boon, that saint left from there.

The person became very happy after getting the boon. to test the boon, he touched something lying near him and saw that thing immediately turned into gold. Seeing this, the person became very happy, he touched the outer wall of his house, as soon as he touched it, the outer wall of his house became gold.

Moral Stories in English

Excited by his newly acquired powers, the man started turning all kinds of things he touched into pure gold. He touched his house, the house turned to gold as soon as he touched it, he touched his bed that too turned to gold. 

He touched all the utensils in his house and made them of gold. When there was nothing left to make gold in his house. he started turning it into gold by touching the trees and plants grown in his house. There was a huge mango tree in his house, he touched it, and the whole tree became gold including trunk, branches, leaves and fruits. 

He soon got tired of doing all this, and he got hungry. His wife brought food for him in a golden plate. As soon as he picked up the bread to eat, that bread also became gold, seeing this the person got scared, now he picked up a fruit to eat, that too became gold. 

Now that person realised, what a big mistake he had made by asking for this boon. He felt that now he might have to die of hunger. Thinking of this, the person started crying loudly.

Moral Stories in English

Seeing her husband crying like this, his wife came to him to console him. As soon as his wife touched him, she too turned to gold. Seeing this, that person's soul trembled and now he started lamenting loudly and started cursing himself. 

Now he started remembering what that saint had said. the saint had explained a lot to him, not to ask for this boon, but he did not agree. Now he felt very sorry for himself, but now he could do nothing.

Seeing him crying like this, his girl started coming to him. Seeing this, the person shouted loudly, don't come near me, otherwise you will also become gold. Hearing this, his girl stayed there.

Then his daughter said, father, that saint must not have gone far away from our house, go and find him, now only he can remove this crisis of ours. After listening to the daughter's words, the person immediately set out to find that saint. 

Moral Stories in English

The whole day he kept searching for that saint, finally in the evening he saw that the saint was sitting under a tree in meditation. That person reached him and bowed down to him from a distance.

When the saint asked the reason for his arrival, the man started crying loudly and narrated the whole incident of his house to him. 

The saint said, son, I had already told you, this boon is very dangerous, ask for something else in its place, but you did not agree and you sought this boon from me due to greed.

That person said, forgive me sir, I wanted to become rich quickly. so in greed I asked you for this boon without thinking anything. Because of this boon, my wife has turned to gold, and I am not even able to eat anything, because everything I touch is turning to gold. In this way I will die of hunger. now I don't want this boon anymore, you please take it back.

The saint smiled and said, you have realized your mistake, but you have missed a very good opportunity. You could have asked for something from me as a boon, by which you could do good to yourself and everyone.

Moral Stories in English

Now I take back my boon, now you will become an ordinary person as before, and your touch power will be gone, and everything you have made of gold till now will be as before. Having said this, the saint once again sat in meditation.

The man was satisfied after listening to the saint. He touched the stone lying near him, and saw that this time the stone was not made of gold. Seeing this, the person became very happy and ran to his home. 

After reaching home, he saw that his house, which was earlier of gold, had now become the same as before, everything in his house was as before. He went inside the house, now his wife was also as before, and all the things he had made of gold were as before.

As soon as he reached home, his wife and daughter came running to him. The person was very happy to hug them, now everything was as before. 

After this incident the man took a lesson, and vowed never to be greedy in life, and to be content with what he had. After this they all started living their lives happily.

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Moral Stories in English