The Story of Rajasthan's Philanthropist Bhairu Singh Bhati - Stories - English Stories


Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Story of Rajasthan's Philanthropist Bhairu Singh Bhati - Stories

The Story of Rajasthan's Philanthropist Bhairu Singh Bhati - Stories

Once upon a time, there was a king in Jodhpur, whose name was Mansingh. Maharaj Mansingh was a master of sword and pen. When he used sword in the war, seeing his valor, the enemies used to leave the battlefield and run away, and when he got pen in his hands, he used to compose beautiful hymns and poems. Many verses and poems composed by him are very famous even today.

Maharaj Mansingh had three queens, but he had no sons, only daughters. One day King Mansingh was sitting in his court and talking to his ministers. There was a Charan poet in his court, he was sitting in a serious posture and thinking. King Mansingh asked him, why do you look so worried. The poet said, Maharaj I am worried about the future of Marwar.


The king asked, what is the reason for your worry. The poet said, Maharaj, you have no son, so who will be the next king of Marwar after you, not only I but all the countrymen are worried about this. The king said this is God's wish, if there has to be a son then it will happen, and if not then what can we do about it. The poet said, Maharaj, if you listen to our advice then surely you will be able to have a son.

The king said, please tell me. The poet said, Maharaj, there is a village of Bhatis near Pokharan, they are very poor. There is a beautiful and well behaved girl there, if you get married there, then I assure you, you will surely have a son.


King Mansingh agreed, the next day a marriage proposal was sent to the house suggested by the poet. On receiving the marriage proposal from the King of Marwar, everyone happily agreed to the marriage. The marriage was fixed after looking at an auspicious date, and the marriage was solemnised on the decided date. Thus, a girl from a poor family reached the palace of Jodhpur as a queen after marriage. She was a very intelligent girl.

There was a tradition among the Bhatis that after marriage, the brother of the sister goes to her in-laws' house along with the sister, and stays there for some time. That girl had a brother, whose name was Bhairu Singh. He also came to the palace with his sister. Bhairu Singh was also an ordinary villager, he too had come to a royal palace for the first time.

At the wedding feast of the king, the newly wed queen's brothers sat with the king's brothers and other relatives. Seeing a simple villager sitting with them at the feast, the king's relatives started mocking Bhairu Singh. Bhairu Singh got very angry but he could not say anything to them. According to the custom, Bhairu Singh had to stay in the same palace for a few days. Meanwhile, the king's brothers and relatives used to trouble Bhairu Singh for one thing or the other and make fun of him.


One day Bhairu Singh lost his patience and scolded the king's brothers. At this, the king's brothers said, it is because our king married your sister that we are making you sit with us, otherwise people like you do not have the guts to even step into the royal palace. Bhairu Singh felt very bad after hearing this. Bhairu Singh went and told his sister that the king's relatives treat him like this. The queen said, brother, don't worry, I will talk to the king about this.

That day when King Mansingh came, the queen was upset. King Mansingh asked her, what is the matter, queen, why are you upset? The queen said, king, your brother treats my brother very badly, because we are poor. King, if you have so much problem with our poverty, then why did you marry me? We did not come to you with a proposal, you yourself sent us a marriage proposal. Have you married us to make fun of our poverty?


The king said, dear queen, I have never insulted your brother, and if my brother insults him, then I will explain it to them properly, they will not do this in future. Apart from this, the only thing I can do is give money to your brother, so that he can get rid of his poverty, then no one will say anything to him. Saying this, the king called his treasurer and ordered him, that from today onwards, let Bhairu Singh take as much money from the treasury as he wants, no one will say anything to him.

After this, the queen called her brother Bhairu Singh and said, brother, take as much money as you want from the treasury, no one will stop you. But always keep one thing in mind, do not use this money in your house at all. Bhairu Singh said, then what will I do with this money. The queen said, you donate this money, distribute it among the poor, get poor girls married, donate to Brahmins, get cowsheds built, help any poor person you see in this way, but do not use this money for yourself and your family at all.


After this, Bhairu Singh Bhati started taking money from the treasury and distributing it. He would take money from Marwar and give money to any poor and helpless person he saw on the way. Bhairu Singh Bhati used to take a convoy of many camels with him, on which he used to load gold and silver coins. Wherever Bhairu Singh Bhati's convoy passed, people used to stare at him with wide-open eyes. In whichever village Bhairu Singh stayed, he would remove the poverty of the poor and helpless people there forever.

He donated for many temples, built many cow shelters, got countless poor girls married, donated to poor Brahmins. He donated so much in his lifetime that he became an example of generosity. It was said about Bhairu Singh that no person who went to him returned empty handed.

Bhairu Singh used to bring a lot of money from Marwar every month, but king Man Singh was also true to his word, so he never imposed any restrictions on Bhairu Singh. Later, king Man Singh got a son from queen. But perhaps the happiness of a son was not written in king Man Singh's fate, so that child died in childhood.


Many stories of Bhairu Singh's generosity were famous in the whole of Rajasthan. One day Bhairu Singh was going somewhere on a camel, on the way he saw a person, he was climbing a Khejri tree and plucking its leaves. Bhairu Singh asked that person, why are you raking these Khejri leaves. That person said, I am going to Bhairu Singh Bhati, I will ask him for a camel. When I bring the camel, it will feel hungry while coming, that is why I am collecting Khejri leaves here for the camel.

Bhairu Singh asked him, how do you have so much faith that Bhairu Singh will give you the camel as soon as you go. That person said, you don't know Bhairu ​​Singh, he is such a great donor, that whoever went to him till date, Bhairu ​​Singh has never refused him. Bhairu Singh became happy after listening to that person. Bhairu Singh got down from the camel and said, I am Bhairu Singh, take this camel of mine and keep it. Bhairu Singh gave his camel to that person and left for his home on foot.


Similarly, once Bhairu Singh's brother-in-law was getting married. Bhairu Singh's wife used to live her life in poverty because Bhairu Singh did not give the money brought from the treasury to his house. Therefore, Bhairu Singh's wife did not have new clothes to wear in the wedding and jewellery for adornment. She said to her husband Bhairu Singh, you donate so much to the whole world, spend a little at home too, my brother is getting married, get me new clothes and some jewellery too, so that I can also look a little good in my parent's house.

Bhairu ​​Singh said, no, this cannot happen, sister has said that this money is only for distribution, it cannot be spent at home. Bhairu ​​Singh's wife said, okay, don't get me new clothes, but reach my brother's wedding on time. Bhairu Singh said, okay I will come on time, saying this Bhairu Singh left. Bhairu Singh's wife had to go to her brother's wedding without new dresses.

On reaching her parental home, Bhairu ​​Singh's wife saw that preparations for her brother's wedding were going on in full swing. All the relatives had come, everyone was wearing beautiful clothes, everyone was praising each other's clothes. Musicians were singing, dholis were playing drums, people were dancing to the tune of music, shehnai was playing, but in such an environment, Bhairu ​​Singh's wife, who was wearing old clothes from home, was feeling very uncomfortable, so she was sitting quietly in a corner.


An old woman was sitting near her, she asked, why are you sitting here silently in a corner, it is your brother's wedding, and you have not yet worn good clothes and jewellery, you have not even adorned yourself and your husband is also not visible, what happened, he did not come with you, do you not get along with him. Bhairu Singh's wife said with a sad heart, I get along very well with my husband, he will be coming to the wedding by evening, and the clothes I am wearing are new, what is wrong with them, and my most precious jewel is my husband himself, I do not need any other jewels as long as he is here.

Bhairu Singh distributed so much money to everyone in his in-laws' house that they arranged for the livelihood of several generations. By the time he reached the door of the house, all of Bhairu Singh's wealth was exhausted. When Bhairu Singh got down from the camel at the door, his mother-in-law welcomed him with a thaal of aarti. At the same time, someone recited a couplet in praise of Bhairu Singh. Bhairu Singh had nothing to give to him, so Bhairu Singh took off the gold earrings from his ears and gave them to that person.

A couplet was said about Bhairu Singh Bhati, "Samundar sukhae dhruv dige, pachham uge bhaan, jai bhati bhairu naate, ulat pade aasman" It means the ocean can dry up, the pole star can move from its place, the sun can rise from the west, but Bhairu ​​Singh cannot refuse to give anything to anybody. The day Bhairu Singh Bhati will refuse to give anything to anybody, the sky will turn upside down on that day.


Some other interesting Stories

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