Story of the Prince of Bundi, Who sacrificed his life for the honour of the Country - English Stories


Friday, July 26, 2024

Story of the Prince of Bundi, Who sacrificed his life for the honour of the Country

Story of the prince of Bundi, Who sacrificed his life for the honour of the Country

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King of Mewar Maharana Lakha was married to the princess of Hada Rajputs of Bundi. Two-three days after the marriage, Maharana Lakha was having dinner in the palace of Queen Hadi Rani. Maharana saw that the queen was a little sad, he asked the reason for the queen's sadness. Queen said, Ranaji, you are worrying in vain, I am not sad.

Maharana Lakha said - If you are not feeling well here, then you should visit Chittor, our Chittor is very beautiful, you will feel good if you visit Chittor.


The queen said - I have visited Chittor.

Rana asked, so how did you like our Chittor.

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The queen said, okay.

Rana said - just okay, you have not seen our Chittor yet.

The queen said - I have seen Chittor, our Bundi is more beautiful than Chittor. You should come to our Bundi sometime, we will show you the whole of Bundi. When you came at the time of marriage, you did not see Bundi properly. When you go to your in-laws next time, we will show you our Bundi, then you will know how beautiful our Bundi is.

Rana Lakha said while eating - It seems you have not seen our Chittor properly. You should visit all the temples of Chittor, see the palace of Gora Badal, see the fort of Chittor, then you will know that Chittor is much more beautiful than Bundi.

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The queen said - I have seen all this, still I say that Bundi is more beautiful.

This thing hurt Maharana Lakha, and while eating his food, his hand stopped in the middle.

He asked seriously, queen, tell me exactly whether you have seen Chittor completely or not.

The queen thought that now Maharana is getting angry, so she said yes I have seen Chittor, I was just joking, Chittor is more beautiful than Bundi.

Rana Lakha said, I am asking you for the last time, you tell me the truth, whether Chittor is more beautiful or Bundi.

The queen said - Bundi.

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Maharana Lakha got angry on this and he left his food, and came out of the palace and ordered the army to attack Bundi.

The commander asked, Maharaj, just a few days ago you have married the princess of Bundi, and now you want to attack Bundi, what is the reason for this. Maharana said, the queen feels that Bundi is more beautiful than Chittor, so we will attack Bundi and destroy it, after which nothing will be left more beautiful than Chittor.

Rana's feudal lords explained to him that it is not right to attack on such a small matter. Then Rana Lakha said that I have taken a vow that until the fort of Bundi is not demolished, I will not take food and water.

On hearing this stubbornness of Maharana Lakha, his feudal lords explained to him a lot, that it is not easy to fight and win over the brave Hada Rajputs of Bundi state in such a hurry. But Maharana Lakha was not going to back down from his vow.

So the feudal lords of Mewar suggested a middle path to Maharana Lakha, that a symbolic fake fort of Bundi should be built outside the fort of Chittor and then attacked and conquered. You can fulfill your vow by conquering and demolishing the fake fort of Bundi. Maharana accepted their suggestion. After this, a symbolic fort of Bundi was built with soil outside the fort of Chittor.

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To fulfill his vow, Maharana Lakha advanced with his entire army to conquer the fake fort of Bundi. Then suddenly a sharp arrow hit Maharana Lakha's horse, and the horse fell right there. Maharana Lakha narrowly escaped falling, and jumped off the horse and stood aside. Then another arrow came flying, and hit the shoulder of one of Maharana's soldiers. No one could understand who was protecting this fake fort of Bundi.

Without wasting any time, the Maharaja sent an investigation team towards the fake fort of Bundi. On reaching the fake fort of Bundi, the messenger saw that a young man dressed in saffron clothes, along with a handful of his companions, armed with weapons, was standing in front to protect the fake fort of bundi.

This young man was the prince of Bundi, Kumbha Hada, who was the younger brother of Hadi Rani. It was a tradition among Hada Rajputs that at the time of a sister's marriage, one of her brothers would accompany her to her in-laws' house and stay there for a few days. This brother of Hadi Rani had come here with her at the time of her marriage. When he heard that the Maharana of Mewar was about to demolish the symbolic fort of Bundi, he reached there along with some of his friends to protect the fake fort of Bundi.

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The investigation team returned and informed Maharana Lakha that the prince of Bundi, Kumbha Hada, was protecting the fake fort of Bundi along with some of his friends. On hearing this, some feudal lords of Maharana Lakha reached Kumbha Hada and explained to him that you are a relative of the Maharana, you wish well for him. If the Maharana's vow is not fulfilled, then without food and water his life may be in danger, so you should move away from here and let the Maharana fulfill his vow by achieving a symbolic victory over the fake Bundi.

Then Kumbha Hada said – I am undoubtedly a relative of Maharana, and I want his welfare. That is why I have shot an arrow at Maharana's horse, not Maharana. I am a Hada Rajput, Bundi is linked to the prestige of my Hada clan, so you tell Maharana to give up the idea of ​​demolishing the Bundi fort. As long as even a single Hada Rajput is alive, the Bundi fort cannot be demolished. For me, this fake Bundi fort is no less than the real fort.

The Maharana's generals and feudal lords explained to Prince Kumbha, you four or five people together cannot protect this fort in front of such a large army. Therefore, there is no benefit in fighting a useless war to protect this fake fort. Prince Kumbha said - Bundi fort is a symbol of self-respect of us Hada Rajputs, you cannot destroy this Bundi fort in front of my eyes while I am alive. Tell Maharana that if he wants to fulfill his vow, he should fight with me. Only after my martyrdom can Maharana destroy this fort, otherwise not.

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Prince Kumbha Hada was persuaded a lot to give up his useless stubbornness and let Maharana fulfill his vow. Kumbha Hada's sister Hadi Rani also persuaded her brother a lot, but he did not agree. Finally Maharana Lakha was forced to fight with Prince Kumbha Hada.

Now the war had started. Prince Kumbha and his companions fought very bravely. There was a shower of arrows from both sides, where on one side many soldiers of Mewar attained martyrdom and hundreds were injured, on the other side the patriotism and honor of Hadas was protected. But this war could not last long. Kumbha Hada and his companions attained martyrdom while fighting, showing their bravery.

After this Maharana Lakha fulfilled his vow by demolishing the fake fort of Bundi. This war is remembered for brave and patriotic people like Kumbha Hada and his friends, who could not see their symbolic motherland falling before their eyes. They sacrificed their lives to protect the prestige of their symbolic motherland. We pay our respects to such patriotic heroes.

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