The Love Story of King Achaldas Khinchi and Queen Umade - English Stories


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Love Story of King Achaldas Khinchi and Queen Umade

 The love story of King Achaldas Khinchi and Queen Umade

Love Stories

Achaldas Khinchi was the last king of Gagron, a fort in Malwa. Achaldas Khinchi was married to Lala Mewari, the sister of Maharana Kumbha of Mewar. Lala Mewari, the sister of a powerful king like Maharana Kumbha, was a domineering woman. When Lala Mewari got married and started living with King Achaldas Khinchi, she told the king that you are married in a powerful state like Mewar, so now you do not need to marry anywhere else.

King Achaldas Khinchi also did not think it appropriate to turn down the proposal of a daughter from a powerful state like Mewar and he did not marry any other woman except Lala Mewari. One day Achaldas Khinchi was sitting in his court, two brother-sisters from Marwar came to his court who were artists, both of them performed their musical art in the court and mesmerized the entire court with their music. King Achaldas Khinchi was very impressed with their art.


The king said that I had heard for so many years that the girls of Marwar are blessed with all the virtues, but today I have seen it. God has indeed blessed the women of Marwar with 36 virtues. That girl was also very clever in the art of speaking, she told the king that if you find the girls of Marwar blessed with all the virtues, then why don't you marry a princess of Marwar.

Love Stories

Achaldas Khinchi himself wanted to marry more than once, but he was unable to do so under the pressure of his chief queen Lala Mewari, but he could not say such a thing in front of everyone in the court. The king, hiding the feelings of his heart, said to the girl that we are ready to marry, if you know any princess, then do tell us.

The girl said, king, Princess Umade of Jangadu state near our Bikaner is very beautiful and full of virtues, why don't you marry princess Umade, she is also my friend, if I talk to her about you, she will definitely agree. Hearing this, the king was very happy and he said, you go and talk to the princess, if she agrees, we will definitely marry her.

Now the king reached his queen Lala Mewari and told her everything that happened in the court. The king said, I have promised to marry one more time in front of everyone in the court, so give me permission to marry only one more time. But Lala Mewari did not agree, the king somehow convinced his queen. Then Queen Lala Mewari said, you can marry one more time, but I have one condition, whichever princess you marry, you will never meet her after marriage nor talk to her and you will have to arrange for her stay in a separate palace where you will never go.

Love Stories

To keep his promise given in the court, king Achaldas Khinchi accepts this condition of his chief queen Lala Mewari

Everything was finalised. king Achaldas Khinchi goes from Gagron to Bikaner to get married. When he saw Princess Umade, he could not stop looking at her. The princess was much more beautiful than her friend had told him. In earlier times, when the marriage procession of a king used to go, it used to stay at the in-laws' place for several months. Apart from this, the marriage procession used to stop on the way while coming and going. It used to take several months because at that time the marriage processions used to travel on camels and horses. After walking for some time, the animals used to get tired. Therefore, during long distance journeys, the marriage processions used to stop at intervals to give rest to the animals.

Love Stories

king Achaldas Khinchi stopped his marriage procession at his in-laws' place for more than a year. The king loved his new bride very much. He knew that after reaching Gagron, he would have to separate from his new queen as per the condition. So he wanted to spend as much time as possible with his new queen. On the other hand, after more than a year had passed in Gagron, the people started getting impatient to see their king and new queen. Queen Consort Lala Mewari, who was ruling Gagron, had also written many letters to the king to return, but she had not received any reply from the king till now.

Now Lala Mewari sent his royal priest to Jangdu to check on the king. On reaching Jangdu, the royal priest saw that the king was enjoying himself at his in-laws' place. The royal priest said to the king, king, now you should return to your kingdom. It is not appropriate for the king to stay away from his kingdom for a long time. The king said to the royal priest, "The wedding procession of kings stays for some time at their in-laws' place, what is the big deal in this?" The royal priest said, "But king, you have been here for more than a year, now you should return to your kingdom soon. If there is any other reason for your not returning, then tell me, I will definitely find a solution for it."

Love Stories

king told his heart's desire to royal priest, king said that if he reaches Gagron then he will have to separate from the new queen as per the condition, royal priest understood the whole matter. He said king you should start from Jangadu, later you can stop on the way. King Achaldas Khinchi agreed to royal priest's words, he started from Jangadu with his new queen. King started moving towards Gagron slowly, stopping at intervals, it took him one more year to reach Gagron.

King Achaldas Khinchi was true to his word, after reaching Gagron he built a new palace for Queen Umade and himself started living with his chief queen Lala Mewari. According to the promise, king neither met Queen Umade nor ever talked to her. Seven years passed, Queen Umade neither met the king nor ever talked to him, she lived alone with her maids in her separate palace.

One day, that friend of queen Umade who had got her married to KIng Achaldas Khinchi reached Gagron to meet her. During the conversation, she came to know that queen Umade lives here very unhappy. It has been more than seven years, but the king has not even come to meet her, she said I have no one here to talk to except the maids. queen Umade told her friend that you have pushed me into the ocean of sorrow by getting me married here. After reaching here, I came to know that the king had promised queen Lala Mewari that after marrying me, he will keep me in a separate palace and will never meet me.

Love Stories

That friend of queen Umade was very clever. She told the queen that you should not worry at all, I will do something so that the king himself will come to you. The queen's friend spread a rumour that queen Umade has such a beautiful necklace, which no one in the world has. In a few days, this news reached queen Lala Mewari. Hearing that Umade has the most beautiful necklace in the world, Queen Lala Mewari became jealous.

Lala Mewari wanted to get a similar necklace made for herself, so she wrote a letter to Queen Umade that she wanted to see that necklace once. In response to the letter, Umade's friend wrote, you will be given that necklace for a day but in return KIng Achaldas Khinchi will come and stay with Queen Umade for a day. Queen Lala Mewari agreed to this, and she allowed the king to stay with Queen Umade for a day. The king was also surprised that Queen Lala Mewari allowed him to meet Queen Umade.

When the king met his Queen Umade after years, tears of love came in the eyes of both of them. After years, both of them spent a day together. After a day passed, Queen Lala Mewari's maids came to call the king. When the king was going back, Queen Umade's friend said to the maids, you all are taking our king but please return our necklace to us. On hearing this, the maids returned the queen's necklace to the queen's friend. The king was surprised to see this. He asked Queen Umade's friend, what is the matter of this necklace? Tell me in detail.

Love Stories

Queen Umade's friend showed that necklace to the king and said that in exchange of this necklace we had bought the king of Gagron for a day, the price of the king of Gagron is one necklace. This thing pierced deep into the heart of King Achaldas Khinchi.

The king reached Queen Lala Mewari in anger and said to her, Queen I never broke the promise given to you, I did not meet Queen Umade for seven years. But how can you do this to me, how can you put a price on me, do you consider the king of Gagron so insignificant that he can be bought even in exchange of a necklace. By doing this you have hurt my self-respect very deeply, so now I will not stay with you even for a day. Queen Lala Mewari tried a lot to convince the king but the king did not listen to her, after this incident King Achaldas Khinchi started living with Queen Umade in her palace, after this King Achaldas Khinchi never went to Queen Lala Mewari's palace in his lifetime.

Love Stories

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