Sparrow's Revenge on the Evil Elephant - Short Story - English Stories


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Sparrow's Revenge on the Evil Elephant - Short Story

Sparrow's Revenge on the Evil Elephant - Short Story

A sparrow lived with her husband on a tree. She was eagerly waiting for the chicks to come out of the eggs in her nest.

Short Story

One day, the sparrow was hatching her eggs and her husband had gone out to arrange for food as usual.


Just then an angry elephant came there and started destroying the nearby trees and plants by trampling them. During the destruction, he also reached the sparrow's tree and shook it hard to bring it down, but that tree was very strong, so the elephant could not break the tree and went away from there, but due to his shaking, the sparrow's nest broke and fell down and all her eggs broke.

The sparrow became very sad and started crying loudly, then her husband also came back, he too was very sad and they decided to take revenge from the elephant and teach him a lesson.

Short Story

They both went to one of their friends; who was a woodpecker, and told him everything. They wanted the help of the woodpecker to take revenge on the elephant. The woodpecker had two other friends; a bee and a frog. They together made a plan to take revenge on the elephant.

As per the plan, the bee started working first. He started humming a song in the elephant's ear. The elephant started enjoying that music and when the elephant was immersed in the music, the woodpecker started working on the next step. He gouged out both the eyes of the elephant. The elephant started moaning in pain.

Short Story

Then the frog went to a swamp with his platoon and all of them started croaking together. Hearing the croaking of the frogs, the elephant thought that there was a pond nearby. He went in the direction of that sound and got stuck in the swamp. In this way, the elephant slowly got stuck in the swamp and died.

Moral: If even the weakest people work together, then the biggest task can be accomplished and even the biggest enemy can be defeated.

Short Story

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