Forth Story Betal Pachisi Story Online - English Stories


Monday, July 22, 2024

Forth Story Betal Pachisi Story Online

Forth Story Betal Pachisi Story Online

Click to Read the Third Story Betal Pachisi Story Online

Betal started telling the next story to Emperor Vikramaditya

There was a city named Bhogawati. King Rupsen ruled there. He had a parrot named Chintamani. One day the king asked him, “Who will I marry?”

The parrot said, “It will be Chandravati, the daughter of the king of Magadh.” The king called the astrologer and asked him, and he also said the same.

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On the other hand, the princess of Magadh had a female parrot. Its name was Madan Manjari. One day the princess asked her who I will marry, and she said, “It will be with King Rupsen of Bhogawati city.”


After this, both of them got married. The queen also brought her female parrot with her. The king and queen married the parrot and the female parrot and kept them in a cage.

One day, the parrot and his wife had an argument. The female parrot said, “A man is a great sinner, treacherous and unrighteous.” The parrot said, “A woman is a liar, greedy and a murderer.” When the quarrel between the two increased, the king said, “What is the matter, why are you fighting among yourselves?”

The female parrot said, “Maharaj, men are very bad.”

After this, the she told a story.

A businessman named Mahadhan lived in the city of Ilapur. After many days of marriage, a son was born in his house. The businessman brought him up very well, but when the boy grew up, he started gambling. In the meantime, the businessman died. The boy lost all his wealth in gambling. When he had nothing left, he left the city and reached a city named Chandrapuri. A moneylender named Hem Gupta lived there. Going to him, he introduced his father and said that I had gone to do business with a ship. I sold the goods, earned money; but while returning, there was such a storm in the sea that the ship sank and I somehow managed to escape and came here.

That merchant had a daughter named Ratnavati. The merchant was very happy that he got such a good boy without having to go anywhere. He kept the boy in his house and after a few days got his daughter married to him. Both of them started living there. Finally one day they left from there. The merchant gave them a lot of money and sent a maid along with them.

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There was a forest on the way. Reaching there, the boy said to his wife, “There is a lot of fear of thieves here, take off your jewellery and tie it around my waist.” The girl did the same. After this, the boy killed the maid and threw her in the well. Then he threw his wife in the well and went ahead taking her jewellery.

The woman started crying inside the well. A good traveler was passing by. Hearing the crying sound in the forest, he came there and took the woman out of the well and brought her to her home. The woman went home and told her parents that on the way, thieves snatched our jewellery and killed the maid and ran away after pushing me into the well. Her father consoled her and said that you don't worry. Your master will be alive and will come someday.

On the other hand, the boy reached the city with the jewellery. He was addicted to gambling. He lost all the jewellery in gambling. When his condition worsened, he went to his in-laws' house making the excuse that he had a son. On reaching there, the first person he met was his wife. She was very happy. She said to her husband, “Don't worry, I have said something different after coming here.” He told her what he had told his parents.

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The merchant was very happy to meet his son-in-law and he kept him very well in the house.

A few days later, one day when the girl was sleeping wearing the jewellery, her husband quietly killed her with a knife and absconded with her jewellery.

The female parrot said, “Maharaj, I saw all this with my own eyes. Man is such a sinner!”

The king said to the parrot, “Now you tell me why women are bad?”

On this, the parrot told this story.

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A businessman named Sagar Dutt lived in Kanchanpur. He had a son named Shri Dutt. Some distance away from there was another city named Shrivijaypur. A businessman named Som Dutt lived there. He had a daughter who was married to Shri Dutt. After marriage, Shri Dutt went abroad for business. Twelve years passed and he did not return. Jayshree started getting worried. One day she was standing at her window and saw a man. She was attracted to him as soon as she saw him. She called him to her friend's house. As soon as it was night, she would go to her friend's house and stay there the whole night and return before daybreak. Many days passed like this.

Meanwhile, one day her husband returned from abroad. The wife became very sad. What should she do now? The husband was tired. He fell asleep soon after reaching home and the wife got up and went to her friend.

A thief was standing on the way. He started watching where the woman was going. Slowly she reached her friend's house. The thief also followed her. By chance the man who was at her friend's house was bitten by a snake and was lying dead. The woman thought he was sleeping. There was a banyan tree in the courtyard, on which a ghost was sitting watching this drama. He entered the body of the dead man and cut off the woman's nose and then came out of the man's body and sat on the tree. The woman went to her friend crying. The friend said that you go to your husband and sit there and start crying. If anyone asks, tell him that your husband has cut off your nose.

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He did the same. Hearing her cry, people gathered. The man woke up from his sleep. When he came to know the whole situation, he became very sad. The girl's father informed the police chief. The police chief took them all to the king. Seeing the girl's condition, the king became very angry. He said, "Hang this man on the cross."

The thief was standing there. When he saw that an innocent man was being hanged, he went to the king and told him the whole truth. He said, "If you don't believe me, go and see, there is a woman's nose in that dead man's mouth."

The king showed it and it turned out to be true.

The king shaved the woman's head, made her ride a donkey, paraded her around the city and got her thrown out of the city."

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After saying this, the parrot said, "O king! Women are like this!

After telling this story, Betal said, "King, tell me who is more sinful among the two?"

King Remember, if you do not answer me even after knowing the answer, then your head will be broken into pieces and if you speak, then I will again go and hang on the same tree from where you brought me.

The king said, both men and women are equally sinful.

As soon as the king said this, Betal again went and hung himself on the tree. The king went back and caught him. On the way, Betal told the next story.

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