The Story of Mughal Emperor Akbar and Jwala Ji Temple - Short Story - English Stories


Monday, August 12, 2024

The Story of Mughal Emperor Akbar and Jwala Ji Temple - Short Story

The Story of Mughal Emperor Akbar and Jwala Ji Temple

Short Story

India was ruled by Mughal ruler Akbar. At that time, a devotee of Goddess Durga named Dhyanu was going to Jwala Ji temple with a thousand pilgrims to have darshan of the goddess. Seeing such a large group of pilgrims, Akbar's soldiers stopped them at Chandni Chowk in Delhi and presented them in Akbar's court. Akbar asked them where are you all going together, then devotee Dhyanu replied that we are going to Jwala Ji temple to have darshan of the goddess. We all go there every year. 

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Akbar asked who is goddess Jwala and what will happen by having darshan of her. Then devotee Dhyanu replied that goddess Jwala is the goddess who created this world and nurtures it. She fulfills all the wishes of her devotees. Her glory is such that the divine flame keeps burning in her temple all the time without oil and wick.

Short Story

Akbar said, how can we believe that your Goddess Jwala is so powerful and fulfills your wishes. So as a test, we will get your horse's neck cut, if your goddess has power, then you can ask her to bring your horse back to life. In this way, Dhyanu's horse's neck was cut, then devotee Dhyanu requested Akbar to keep the horse's head and torso safe for a period of one month. Akbar accepted devotee Dhyanu's request and allowed him to travel further.

Taking leave from Akbar, Bhakt Dhyanu reached Jwala Ji temple and prayed to the Goddess, O Mother, you know everything, Emperor Akbar is testing my devotion, and he has got my horse's neck cut. Please save my honor and bring my horse back to life. Hearing Dhyanu's prayer, Goddess Durga appeared before Dhyanu and told him that you don't worry, your horse has been revived in Delhi, so you leave your worries and reach Delhi immediately.

Short Story

Emperor Akbar was surprised to see the horse being revived in Delhi, and he sent a contingent of his army to destroy the Jwala Ji temple. Akbar's soldiers were surprised to see the flame burning in the Jwala Ji temple without any oil. The soldiers placed large iron plates on them to extinguish the holy flame, but the divine flame did not extinguish. After this, Akbar's soldiers built a canal to bring water from the nearby waterfall to the temple and poured the canal water over the divine flame and submerged the entire temple, but even this did not extinguish the divine flame. And finally all the efforts of Akbar's soldiers failed. After this, the soldiers informed Akbar that all attempts to extinguish the holy flame in the Jwala Ji temple had failed.

Short Story

Impressed by this miracle of the Jwala Ji temple, Emperor Akbar got a grand umbrella made from 50 kg of pure gold and reached the Jwala Ji temple barefoot with it. After seeing the divine lflame in the temple, Akbar bowed down and presented an umbrella made of 50 kg gold to the goddess, but as soon as Akbar presented that umbrella to the temple, a divine light appeared above the umbrella and the umbrella made of gold got transformed into some other strange metal, which was neither iron, nor brass, nor copper nor any other known metal.

Thus the Goddess rejected Akbar's offering. Seeing this miracle of Goddess Durga, Akbar apologized to the Goddess in many ways for his wrong deeds and returned to Delhi. After reaching Delhi, Akbar ordered his soldiers to treat all the devotees lovingly. Even today, this umbrella offered by Emperor Akbar is kept in the Jwala Ji temple complex. A lot of research was done to find out the metal of this umbrella but till now its type of metal could not be found out.

Short Story

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Short Story