The Story of the Kennedy Family Curse : A Tragic Legacy - English Stories


Friday, August 23, 2024

The Story of the Kennedy Family Curse : A Tragic Legacy

The Story of the Kennedy Family Curse : A Tragic Legacy

The Kennedy family, commonly known as American royalty, has long been a symbol of power, ambition, and wealth. However, beneath this glitzy veneer lies a terrible curse – a tale of tragedy that has befallen the Kennedy family for generations. This curse, known as the “Kennedy Family Curse,” is a series of unfortunate events that have haunted the Kennedy family, casting a long dark shadow over their legacy.

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Origins of the Curse

The origins of this so-called curse are difficult to trace, but some speculate that it began with the family patriarch, Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. Born in 1888, Joseph was a shrewd and ambitious man who became known as a successful businessman and politician. His marriage to Rose Fitzgerald, the daughter of a wealthy Boston mayor, solidified his place among the American elite.


Joseph was a very powerful and influential man, serving as the U.S. ambassador to the United Kingdom and playing a key role in shaping the future of his children. He had high expectations for his offspring, especially his sons, whom he groomed for political ambition. However, it was this very ambition that many believe set the stage for the tragedies that would later befall the Kennedy family.

The first of these tragedies occurred during World War II. Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., the eldest son, was destined to carry on the family's political legacy. Handsome, intelligent, and charismatic, Joseph Jr. was touted as a future president. But, in 1944, while serving as a Navy pilot, he was killed on a secret mission when his plane exploded while crossing the English Channel. His death was a devastating blow to the family, and it marked the beginning of a series of misfortunes that were to haunt the Kennedy family for decades to come.

The Rise and Fall of John F. Kennedy

With Joseph Jr. gone, the burden of fulfilling the family's political ambitions fell on the shoulders of the second son, John F. Kennedy. Despite suffering from chronic health problems, including a serious back injury and Addison's disease, John F. Kennedy rose to prominence in American politics. His charm, wit, and eloquence made him a beloved figure, and in 1960, he was elected as the 35th President of the United States.


John's presidential accomplishments include the establishment of the Peacekeeping Force, the advancement of the Civil Rights Movement, and the successful resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis. However, his tenure also brought many challenges, including the growing conflict in Vietnam and the ongoing Cold War tensions with the Soviet Union.

Tragedy struck again on November 22, 1963. While riding in an open-top limousine in Dallas, Texas, President Kennedy was shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. The assassination shocked the entire nation and the world, and the entire country went into mourning. The image of Jackie Kennedy standing beside her husband's casket in a blood-stained pink suit became one of the most haunting symbols of the Kennedy curse.

The assassination of John F. Kennedy was a defining moment in American history, but it was just one of many tragedies that would continue to haunt the Kennedy family.

Death of Robert F. Kennedy

The next major tragedy to befall the Kennedy family came just five years after John's assassination. Robert F. Kennedy, the younger brother of John F. Kennedy, was thrust into the political spotlight after his brother's death. As a former U.S. Attorney General and New York Senator, Robert had become a leading advocate for civil rights and social justice who won over many Americans.

In 1968, Robert announced his candidacy for president. His campaign carried a message of hope and unity, and he soon gained widespread support. However, just as it seemed Robert might fulfill his brother's legacy, tragedy struck again.


On June 5, 1968, after giving a victory speech at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, Robert F. Kennedy was fatally shot by Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian immigrant who had a personal vendetta against the senator's pro-Israel stance. The assassination of Robert Kennedy shocked the nation, solidifying the belief that the Kennedy family was cursed.

The Tragic Life of the Next Generation

As the years went by, tragedies kept mounting in the Kennedy family. The next generation of Kennedys also did not escape this curse.

One of the most heartbreaking stories is associated with Ted Kennedy, the youngest of the Kennedy brothers. In 1969, Ted was involved in a car accident on Chappaquiddick Island, which resulted in the death of his passenger Mary Jo Kopechne. This incident, known as the "Chappaquiddick scandal," badly damaged Ted's political career and cast a dark cloud over the Kennedy family legacy. Although Ted went on to serve as a U.S. Senator for decades, the incident haunted him for the rest of his life.

In 1984, another tragedy struck when David A. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy's son, died of a drug overdose at the age of 28. David had struggled with substance abuse for several years, a battle that many believed was exacerbated by the trauma of his father's assassination.

Tragedies continued in the 1990s, the most notable being the death of President Kennedy's son, John F. Kennedy Jr. Known to the American public as "John-John", he was a handsome and charismatic young man who inherited his father's charm. After successful careers in law and publishing, John Jr. was seen as a potential future political candidate.

But, on July 16, 1999, John Jr. died when the small plane he was flying crashed into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Martha's Vineyard. The accident also killed his wife, Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, and her sister, Laurene Bessette. John Jr.'s death was a devastating blow to the Kennedy family and the nation, once again cementing the existence of the Kennedy family curse.

Endless Tragedies

The curse continued to affect members of the Kennedy family well into the 21st century. In 2019, Saoirse Kennedy Hill, a granddaughter of Robert F. Kennedy, died of a drug overdose at the family estate in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts. She was only 22 years old.

In 2020, another tragedy struck when Maeve Kennedy McCain, another granddaughter of Robert F. Kennedy, and her eight-year-old son Gideon drowned in a canoeing accident in the Chesapeake Bay. This double tragedy added to the long list of untimely deaths in the Kennedy family.

Curse or coincidence?

The concept of a Kennedy family curse has been the subject of much speculation over the years. Some believe the curse is a supernatural force, while others argue that it is simply a series of unfortunate coincidences. Skeptics point out that many large families suffer tragedies, and that the Kennedys' prominence and media attention make their misfortunes all the more pronounced.

However, the number of tragedies that have befallen the Kennedy family is hard to ignore. From murders to accidents, overdoses to mishaps, the family has endured an extraordinary amount of suffering. The curse, whether real or imagined, has become an integral part of the Kennedy family legacy.

Lasting Legacy

Despite the tragedies that have plagued the Kennedy family, their legacy is one of resilience, public service, and a commitment to social justice. The Kennedy family has produced numerous public figures, including senators, ambassadors, and human rights advocates, who have made significant contributions to society.


The curse as a dark cloud over the family's history has not affected their accomplishments. The Kennedy family has continued to inspire generations with their dedication to making the world a better place.

The story of the Kennedy family curse is one of grief and loss, but it is also a testament to the strength and perseverance of a family that has faced unimaginable adversity. Whether the curse is real or simply a series of tragic events, it has undeniably shaped the Kennedy family's place in American history. As the years go by, the story of the Kennedy family will continue to captivate people, serving as a cautionary tale and a symbol of enduring hope.

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