The Hungry Maharajah: A Tale of Innocence and Justice - Short Story - English Stories


Monday, July 15, 2024

The Hungry Maharajah: A Tale of Innocence and Justice - Short Story

The Hungry Maharajah: A Tale of Innocence and Justice - Short Story

Once, a news reached the ears of Maharajah Krishnadev Rai about a person named Chelaram. Everyone used to say that whoever sees Chelaram's face, does not get even a morsel of food for the whole day. That person used to remain hungry for the whole day. To test this, the Maharajah called him to stay in his front room. Chelaram was very happy after coming to the palace. He was enjoying the royal pleasures.

One day, the Maharajah suddenly woke up from his sleep. When he looked outside his room, his eyes fell on Chelaram living in the front room. He was standing in the window of his room. Coincidentally, such a situation arose that day, that even the Maharajah did not get food to eat for the whole day. The Maharajah called the soldiers in anger and gave the order to hang Chelaram the next day. Hearing this news, poor Chelaram almost stopped breathing.


The soldiers arrested Chelaram and put him in prison. Chelaram was to be hanged the next day. When Tenaliram heard this news that an innocent person was being given death penalty without any reason, Tenaliram could not control himself. He decided that he would definitely save the life of that innocent person.

Short Story

Chelaram was very upset in the prison, when Tenaliram reached him and said, I know that you are innocent, and you have been given death penalty without any reason. If you want to save your life, then you do as I tell you.

Chelaram nodded in affirmative. Then Tenaliram said, tomorrow before giving you death penalty, your last wish will be asked, then you say that I want to tell my last wish in front of all the people. The next day a meeting was called in the city as per Chelaram's last wish.

Short Story

Coming in front of everyone, Chelaram said, "Brothers, people do not get food by seeing my face, but whoever sees the face of the king, he gets death directly...death." The king was surprised to hear this from Chelaram. He immediately stopped the hanging and asked Chelaram, "On whose advice did you say all this?" Chelaram said, "Maharajah, who can tell this except Tenaliram. I said all this on Tenaliram's advice."

Hearing this, the king realized his mistake, and in his mind he started praising Tenaliram that he saved an innocent person from the death penalty.

Short Story

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