Story of the Birth of Lord Ganesha - All Free Novel - English Stories


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Story of the Birth of Lord Ganesha - All Free Novel

Story of the Birth of Lord Ganesha - All Free Novel

Birth of Lord Ganesha: A Divine Tale

Indian religion and culture has many mythological stories that have fascinated people since eternity, and one of them is the birth of Lord Ganesha. Ganesha, who is known by various names like Vighnaharta (God who removes obstacles), Ganapati (Lord of the Gods), and Lambodara (God with a big belly), is believed to be the god of wisdom, prosperity and removing obstacles. This amazing tale of his birth gives us an insight into various aspects of the gods family life, love, duty and dharma.

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Goddess Parvati's desire to have a child

Mount Kailash was the divine abode of Shiva-Parvati. Shiva, the destroyer of the universe and the symbol of yoga, was often immersed in meditation. On the other hand, his wife, Goddess Parvati, was the daughter of the Himalayas and was extremely gentle, compassionate and full of love. Though Goddess Parvati herself is the embodiment of divine power, she had a special desire in her heart—to experience the feeling of motherhood.

Parvati wanted to have a son who would always accompany and protect her, especially when Shiva was immersed in meditation or Samadhi. This emotional urge of Parvati one day inspired her to create her own son.

Creation of Ganesha

One day when Shiva was engrossed in his meditation, Parvati took turmeric paste, used during her bath, and molded it into the form of a beautiful child. She gave life to the statue by giving it life with her love and maternal power. Thus a brilliant child was born, whose form and beauty were amazing. Parvati accepted the child as her son and named him Ganesha. Ganesha was extremely obedient and devoted to his mother. His intelligence and physical strength were superhuman, and Parvati's heart was filled with immense love for him.

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Obeying Mother's Order

One day Parvati was going to take a bath. She made her son Ganesh stand at the door and ordered him not to let anyone in, no matter who he was. Ganesh obeyed his mother's order and stood firmly at the door of the house, with full devotion and faith.

First encounter of Shiva and Ganesh

At the same time, Lord Shiva returned to Kailash after finishing his meditation to meet Parvati. When Shiva saw a small boy guarding the door of his house, he was very surprised. Shiva said to the boy, "Child, I am Lord Shiva. Let me in."

Ganesh, who was obeying his mother's order, said without hesitation, "I have been ordered by my mother not to let anyone in, no matter who he is. You are also not allowed to enter."

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Shiva tried to explain, "I am your father, Parvati's husband. This is my house, let me in."

But Ganesh was not ready to budge from his mother's order. "I won't let you in," he said firmly.

Shiva's Anger

Lord Shiva ordered his ganas (servants) to convince the boy standing at the door of the building and move him away so that Shiva could enter the building. Following the order, Lord Shiva's ganas tried to convince Ganesha and requested him to move away from the door. But Ganesha did not listen and beat up Shiva's ganas badly and sent them back. Shiva's ganas came back and narrated the entire incident to Lord Shiva.

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Shiva, who was of a calm nature, was enraged by Ganesha's unreasonable resistance. He picked up his trident and in a fit of rage beheaded Ganesha. Ganesha's body fell lifeless on the ground.

Parvati's Grief and catastrophic Anger

When Parvati came out after bathing and saw that her beloved son was beheaded and lying lifeless, her heart burst with grief. Her maternal heart could not bear this sight, and she began to weep. The whole creation trembled with her pain.

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But her grief soon turned into a fierce anger. Parvati awakened her divine powers, and her furious gaze wreaked havoc in the entire universe. The balance of nature was disturbed, and all the gods were terrified. Goddess Parvati declared that if Ganesha was not brought back to life, she would destroy the entire creation.

Shiva's Atonement

All the gods pleaded with Shiva to calm Parvati's anger and bring Ganesha back to life. Shiva, who was now repenting for his actions, went to Parvati and said, "I have made this mistake in ignorance, and now I promise to give your son life again."

To reattach Ganesha's head, Shiva ordered his ganas (servants) to go to earth and bring the head of a creature who had died facing the north. Shiva's ganas soon returned with the head of a baby elephant, which met all the conditions of Lord Shiva.

Ganesha's Resurrection

Lord Shiva attached the elephant's head to Ganesha's body and gave him life with his divine powers. Ganesha came back to life, but now he had an elephant's head. Parvati was extremely happy to see her son alive again, but she was a little hesitant to see his new form.

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Significance and Special Blessings of Ganesha

Shiva, who now recognized Ganesha's indomitable devotion and loyalty, blessed him, "You are not only the son of me and Parvati, but now you will be revered by the whole world. You will be worshipped first in every auspicious work. No work will begin without you. You will be worshipped as Vighnaharta (God who removes obstacles), and your name will be taken first in any auspicious work."

Ganesha was thus honored as the lord of the gods, "Ganapati". He came to be worshipped as the god of wisdom, prudence, and the remover of obstacles. His elephant head became a symbol of wisdom and prudence, and his huge belly became a symbol of the capacity to bear the joys and sorrows of the entire world. His broken tusk gave the message that renunciation and sacrifice is the path to true success in life.

Appearance and Symbolism of Ganesha

The image of Ganesha has many symbolic meanings hidden in it. His four arms represent the four directions and four types of karma. One of his hands holds an Ankusha (mace), which symbolizes control over desire and lust. The other hand holds a noose, which symbolizes preventing people from going astray. His small vehicle, the mouse, symbolizes human desires and ego, which Ganesha has tamed.

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Other symbols of Ganesha such as his large trunk and small eyes teach us that it is necessary to have a subtle and deep approach in life. His large ears teach us that the ability to listen is important in life, and we should always listen carefully to what others say.

Universal recognition of Ganesha

The birth of Ganesha is not just a myth but also reflects various aspects of life. Ganesh Chaturthi, which celebrates the birth of Ganesha, is celebrated with great pomp across India. This festival holds not only religious but also social and cultural significance. Lord Ganesha is worshipped first in all new functions, marriages, and businesses. People invoke him to seek prosperity and removal of obstacles.

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The story of Lord Ganesha's birth, his mother Parvati's wish, and his duel with Shiva teaches us the importance of duty, love, and humility. The tale tells how Lord Ganesha rose from a small child to become a revered deity of the entire world, and his life teaches us that life's difficulties must be faced with patience, prudence, and sacrifice.

The story of Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and the symbol of wisdom in the entire world, will always remain a source of inspiration and faith in our lives.

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