The Story of Kuldhara, India's Most Haunted Village - Tales - English Stories


Monday, September 9, 2024

The Story of Kuldhara, India's Most Haunted Village - Tales

The Story of Kuldhara, India's Most Haunted Village - Tales

Kuldhara village, located in Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan, is one of the most famous mysterious places in India. Today this village has turned into a ruin, but the story hidden behind it attracts people. The mystery of Kuldhara has remained the center of people's curiosity for hundreds of years. Many myths and stories are prevalent about this village, but its main story is about a tyrannical ruler and the amazing courage of a community of Paliwal Brahmins.

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History of the Village

Kuldhara village was founded around the 13th century. This village and 83 other villages around it were inhabited by Paliwal Brahmins, who were famous for their agricultural ability and trade. Paliwal Brahmins were considered to be the most prosperous and intelligent people of their time. They were skilled farmers and knew the techniques of farming even with less water, which enabled them to do good farming even in the dry land of Jaisalmer.


The village prospered with time, and Kuldhara became a happy place. The havelis, temples and water management systems here testify to the progress and craftsmanship of the village. Paliwal Brahmins were famous not only for their business acumen, but also for their sense of justice and social reform. The people of the village were also socially and religiously empowered, and every member was respected in their community.

Desolation of the village: A cursed story

In the 18th century, the ruler of Jaisalmer, Salim Singh (also known as 'Jaalim Singh') became the main reason for the destruction of the village. Salim Singh was a tyrannical ruler, who was the administrative head of the Jaisalmer state. Salim Singh used to oppress the people of Kuldhara village and collect illegal taxes from them. Salim Singh was a promiscuous man, he had an evil eye on the women of the village. One day Salim Singh's eyes fell on the beautiful daughter of the chief of Kuldhara, seeing her beauty, Salim Singh became mad, he wanted to get her at any cost.


To get the daughter of the chief, Salim Singh started threatening the villagers. One day Salim Singh sent a message to the girl's house that if the girl is not sent to him by the next full moon, then he will take the girl away by force and he will kill all those who try to stop him. 

This was a difficult situation for the Paliwal Brahmins. They were respectable people, and it was necessary for them to oppose the atrocities of Salim Singh. For their self-respect and the safety of their daughter, more than 5000 families from all 84 villages gathered at a temple. In the meeting, everyone unanimously decided that no matter what happens, their daughter will not be handed over to that evil person.


In the Panchayat, all 5000 families decided to leave the kingdom to protect their honor. All the villagers collected all their belongings, valuables, clothes, utensils, grains, and cattle in the darkness of the night and left that village forever overnight. The entire kingdom of Salim Singh became empty overnight.

84 villages became empty in one night

It is said that in one night, the people of Kuldhara and all the 83 villages around it left, leaving everything behind. No one knew where they went, nor was there any news of them. Till date it is a mystery where those Paliwal Brahmins went. All the villages of Kuldhara and its surroundings suddenly became empty, and since then, it has been hundreds of years and no one has settled there.


Before leaving the village, the Paliwal Brahmins had cursed it that no one would be able to settle on this land again. This curse continues till date, as even today no one lives there. Many people have tried to settle here, but they failed. Now only the rustling of the wind and the echo of deserted roads can be heard in the ruins of Kuldhara.

Mysterious events and folklore

Kuldhara is today considered a cursed village. Many people here talk about experiencing mysterious events. People in the vicinity say that strange sounds are heard here at night, and some people even claim that there are spirits here. Tourists who visit here at night have also often encountered unusual events, such as sudden cold winds blowing, seeing shadows, and hearing sounds of someone walking.

Village becoming a tourist destination

Today Kuldhara village is protected by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) and has become a major tourist destination. Tourists visiting Jaisalmer come to see this deserted village and get lost in its mysterious stories. The ruined mansions, dried up wells, and deserted lanes here take tourists back to the time hundreds of years ago.



The story of Kuldhara village is the story of the glorious history and social struggle of Rajasthan. It is not just the destruction of a village, but a symbol of the courage, unity, and self-respect of an entire community. The Paliwal Brahmins gave up everything to protect their self-respect and dignity, but did not bow down to the tyrant Salim Singh. Kuldhara still fascinates people due to its mysteries and curse, and it remains one of the most amazing and mysterious places in Indian history.

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