Story of Nayika Devi who Defeated invader Muhammad Ghori Badly - Tales - English Stories


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Story of Nayika Devi who Defeated invader Muhammad Ghori Badly - Tales

Story of Nayika Devi who Defeated invader Muhammad Ghori Badly - Tales

It was 1178 AD, Mohammad Gauri wanted to attack India and loot its immense wealth. Mohammad Gauri got the information that at present a young boy named Mulraj II is ruling the Gujarat region of India, and the governance here is being looked after by Mulraj II's mother Nayika Devi, who is also the queen mother of the state. When Mohammad Gauri came to know that the reins of governance in Gujarat are in the hands of a woman, he felt that it would be very easy to conquer and loot Gujarat. So he planned to attack Gujarat.

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Mohammad Gauri started from Ghazni to Sindh and from Sindh to Gujarat with his army. Nayika Devi got the information that a dreaded invader like Mohammad Gauri has started to attack Gujarat, and he thinks that Gujarat is ruled by a woman, so he can conquer Gujarat very easily. Queen mother Nayika Devi immediately called a court and held a meeting with her ministers and generals on this serious matter.

She told her generals - Mohammad Gauri has left to attack our kingdom, he thinks that Gujarat is ruled by a child, so he will conquer Gujarat very easily. But we will tell him that it is not as easy to face the heroes of Gujarat as he thinks. We are ready to give a befitting reply to Gauri, in this war we will set such an example that in future any invader will tremble remembering Gauri's fate before attacking Gujarat.


All the generals of Nayika Devi vowed to give a befitting reply to Mohammad Gauri. The plan for war started. First of all, by sending spies, complete information was gathered about the military capability of Mohammad Gauri. The spies revealed that Mohammad Gauri's army was many times bigger than the army of Gujarat. Nayika Devi knew that if Mohammad Gauri's army was fought in the open field, he would win the war very easily, because his army was much bigger than the army of Gujarat.

Rajmata Nayika Devi planned that instead of fighting Mohammad Gauri's army directly in the field, guerilla war should be fought in the mountains, because no matter how large the enemy army is, it cannot enter the mountains all at once. Nayika Devi told her generals that if Mohammad Gauri thinks that he will easily capture Gujarat, then we will not let him enter even an inch of our kingdom. We will stop him at the border of Gujarat itself.


Nayika Devi deployed her army in Kaindra, a village situated in the mountains of Mount Abu on the border of Gujarat. Now the Gujarat army started waiting for Mohammad Gauri in the mountains. Nayika Devi was not only a warrior but also a clever commander. She knew that if she got the support of the surrounding states, then Mohammad Gauri could be defeated very easily. Queen Mother Nayika Devi sent a message to Nadol and Jalore and appealed for their help. The Indian kings decided to put aside all their differences and support Nayika Devi in ​​the war against a foreign invader.

Now the Gujarat army was not alone in Kaindra. The armies of Nadol and Sirohi were also standing with them. Strategically, the position of Kaindra village was very important. Kaindra village was situated behind a pass in the mountains of Mount Abu. To reach there, one had to pass through that pass. Mohammad Gauri was completely unaware that the Gujarat army was waiting for him in the mountains.


As soon as Mohammad Gauri's army entered the mountains, Gujarat's army attacked them. Mohammad Gauri was frightened by this sudden attack. Gujarat's allied forces fought in guerrilla style and attacked Gauri's army. Nayika Devi herself led the army and caused a fierce destruction to Mohammad Gauri's army. In this war, Nayika Devi appeared like Ranachandi (Goddess of war).

There was so much bloodshed in this war that Gauri's army seemed to be drowning in its own blood. Frightened by such a fierce attack, Gauri's army turned its back and started running away. Mohammad Gauri also somehow saved his life by running away from the battlefield. Nayika Devi chased Mohammad Gauri till Ghazni. Mohammad Gauri suffered so much loss in this war that he never dared to raise his eyes towards Gujarat again in his life.


This is the story of a woman ruler who not only managed a huge kingdom with her wisdom but also fought like a warrior when needed to protect her kingdom from dreaded invaders and demonstrated her wisdom as well as her war skills.

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