Story of Veer Tejaji, Folk deity of Rajasthan - All Free Novel - English Stories


Friday, September 13, 2024

Story of Veer Tejaji, Folk deity of Rajasthan - All Free Novel

Story of Veer Tejaji, Folk deity of Rajasthan - All Free Novel

Veer Tejaji is considered the main folk deity of Rajasthan, and is also worshipped as the snake deity. Tejaji was born in 1074 AD in Kharnal village of Nagaur district of Rajasthan. His father's name was Taharji, who was a respected and revered person of the Jat community. Tejaji's mother's name was Ramkunwari. Tejaji was valiant, courageous and just since childhood. He was named Tejsingh, but with time he became famous as Veer Tejaji.

Tejaji was born in a Jat family and his childhood was spent like that of ordinary children. But, since childhood, he was known for his bravery, courage and justice. He helped the poor and oppressed people many times in his life and raised his voice against injustice.

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Tejaji was married to Pemaal, the daughter of Raimal Jat, the head of Paner village. At the time of marriage, Tejaji was only 9 months old and Pemaal was 6 months old. According to the custom of that time, marriages were done in childhood, but in childhood, the bride lived with her parents, the bride was sent to her in-laws' house only after she became an adult.

Some time after the marriage, Tejaji's father and Pemal's maternal uncle had a dispute over something, the matter escalated so much that during the quarrel, swords were used on both sides. Pemal's maternal uncle was injured in this attack, due to which both the families became enemies.

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Due to this enmity, Tejaji's family members did not tell him anything about his marriage. Tejaji gradually started growing up, when Tejaji was 11 years old, his father died. With time, Tejaji started entering youth, now Tejaji started doing farming work in his fields. He would go to his fields early in the morning and return home in the evening after working hard throughout the day, in the afternoon, Tejaji's sister-in-law used to bring food for him from the fields.

One day Tejaji's sister-in-law was very late in bringing food, Tejaji was tired of working in the fields since morning and he was also feeling very hungry due to not getting food on time. While waiting for food, Tejaji became very angry. When Tejaji's sister-in-law brought food for him, Tejaji scolded her a lot for bringing the food late.

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Hearing all this, Tejaji's sister-in-law also got angry and said that I have to do many other works at home, that is why I get late in bringing food. If you want food on time then why don't you bring your wife Pemal. Tejaji did not know anything about his wife, Tejaji asked his sister-in-law about his wife Pemal with great surprise. Tejaji's sister-in-law told him everything about his marriage.

Tejaji immediately left to bring his wife.

Tejaji's sister-in-law said - Hey brother-in-law, first eat food and then go.

Tejaji said - Now I will only eat food prepared by my wife. Saying this, Tejaji reached his home. After reaching home, Tejaji got ready after taking bath and sat on his mare Leelan and left for his in-laws' village Paner.

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By evening Tejaji reached his in-laws' house in Paner village after asking around. Tejaji had reached his in-laws' house for the first time in so many years, so no one recognized him there, so Pemal's mother insulted Tejaji by mistake. Hurt by this insult, Tejaji started returning. When Pemaal came to know that Tejaji was returning angry, she sent her friend Lakha Gujri to convince Tejaji.

Lakha Gujri immediately reached Tejaji and somehow convinced him to spend the night at her house. Tejaji had dinner at Lakha Gujri's house and rested for the night, the next day when Tejaji woke up, he found Lakha Gujri and her parents worried. During the night someone had stolen all the cows of Lakha Gujri.

Tejaji, who was a famous cow-protector, could not tolerate this, he promised Lakha Gujri that he would definitely bring back his cows. Tejaji came to know that the Meena people of Mer had stolen Lakha Gujri's cows. Tejaji reached Mer and fought with the Meena people and freed all the cows of Lakha Gujri.

Tejaji said to Lakha Gujri - count your cows, whether any cow is left behind or not. Lakha Gujri told that all her cows have returned, but one calf is still missing, Lakha Gujri said that I love that calf very much, I cannot live without it. Tejaji left for Mer to bring that calf.

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On the way, at a place named Sendriya, Tejaji saw a black snake burning in fire, to save it, Tejaji picked up the snake with his spear and kept it aside. He was a talking wish-fulfilling snake, who entered the fire himself to attain liberation from the serpent life.

The snake got angry with this act of Tejaji, the snake said to Tejaji - I had entered the fire myself to get salvation, I was going to get salvation in a short while, but you saved me and took me away from my salvation. Now I will have to live life as this snake again for a very long time, so now I will definitely punish you. I will bite you and cause your death.

Tejaji said, I saved you from the fire to do good to you, if you consider this my crime - then I accept your punishment. But at this time I am going to take Lakha Gujri's calf, I will return Lakha Gujri's calf and come to you, then you can bite me.

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The snake said, I do not trust you, what if you do not return? Tejaji said, I never lie, I promise you, I will definitely return and accept your punishment. The snake believed Tejaji and allowed him to go.

On the other hand, the Meena people of Mer knew that Tejaji would definitely come back to take the calf, so this time they had made full preparations. As soon as Tejaji reached there, they surrounded Tejaji from all sides and attacked him.

Tejaji was badly injured in this attack, but still he somehow freed the calf. Tejaji reached Lakha Gujri with the calf and returned it to her. Seeing Tejaji's condition, Lakha Gujri shuddered, blood was flowing from every part of Tejaji's body. Lakha Gujri wanted to treat Tejaji, Tejaji said - I have come after making a promise to a snake, so I have to go to him to fulfill my promise.

Saying this, Tejaji reached that snake in this seriously injured state. Tejaji said to that snake - I have come to fulfill my promise, before I die - you bite me, so that I can fulfill my promise. Seeing Tejaji's condition, the snake said - Your body is drenched with blood, there is no place on your body where there is no blood, I cannot bite on a place where there is blood, so tell me a place where I can bite you.

Then Tejaji thought for a while and said to the snake - there is no wound on my tongue and there is no blood on it, you can bite me on my tongue. Saying this, Tejaji took out his tongue, the snake bit Tejaji on his tongue.

Tejaji returns after getting himself bitten by the snake, gradually the poison of the snake spreads in Tejaji's whole body and he dies at a place called Sursura.

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In this way, Tejaji sacrificed his life while protecting the cows. That is why even today, after almost a thousand years, he is worshiped as a cow-protecting deity. He is worshiped in every household of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. Tejaji is worshiped as a snake deity in many areas of Rajasthan. It is believed that if a person remembers Tejaji after being bitten by a snake, he gets relief. Tejaji's temples are built in Nagaur, Ajmer, and other areas, where big fairs are organized every year. Particularly 'Bhadwa Shukla Dashami' is celebrated as Teja Dashami, which is celebrated in the memory of the sacrifice of Tejaji.

The story of Veer Tejaji is a unique example of courage, honesty and sacrifice. The sacrifices he made in his life to protect the truth are still remembered with reverence and faith in Rajasthan and surrounding areas. Tejaji is worshipped not only as a brave warrior but also as a folk deity who protects his devotees even today.

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