Story of Devotee Trilochan Ji - Stories - English Stories


Monday, September 16, 2024

Story of Devotee Trilochan Ji - Stories

Story of Devotee Trilochan Ji - Stories

Bhakt (Devotee) Trilochan Ji and his wife lived in Pandharpur, Maharashtra. They were great devotees of Lord Pandharinath (Lord Krishna). Bhakt (Devotee) Trilochan Ji was a Vaishya by caste and was a money lender. By the grace of God, he had no dearth of wealth. He had no children but he was not sad about not having children. He was always devoted to the devotion of God and so he never hoped for children. Stories

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Devotee Trilochan ji was also very devoted to serving saints. He used to cook and feed the visitors of Lord Pandharinath temple with great love. Both husband and wife used to cook and feed the saints and devotees with their own hands all day long. Therefore, there was always a crowd of people at their house. As many people came to visit Lord Pandharinath temple, as many people came to Trilochan ji's house to get prasad. Both husband and wife used to serve all the visitors with great devotion.

With time, both husband and wife became old. Due to old age, they could not do as much work as before. Therefore, many times the saints had to wait for prasad. Many times the saints also helped them in their work, due to which they used to feel very sad. Gradually, the number of visitors coming to their house also decreased. Due to this, Trilochan ji started feeling very sad. Stories

One day Trilochan ji said to his wife - We both have grown old now, now we cannot do much work. So why don't we keep a servant to serve the saints, who will help us in the work of serving the saints. Trilochan ji's wife said - This is a very good idea, if a servant comes then we will be able to serve the saints like before, but the servant should be such that he serves the saints with full devotion.

Trilochan ji said okay. Trilochan ji wrote in big letters outside his house - A servant is needed here for saint service, any service-minded person should come inside and contact. Lord Pandharinath (Shri Krishna) could not see this suffering of Trilochan ji, the next day Lord Pandharinath himself came to his house in the form of a teenage boy. Stories

At that time Trilochan ji was sitting in the meditation of God, the young boy greeted Trilochan ji and said - Sir, you need a servant, I am ready to work as a servant for you. Trilochan ji and his wife saw a very beautiful 15-16 year old teenage boy standing in front of them, he was wearing broken slippers and torn old clothes.

Trilochan ji asked - Son what is your name, and who else is there in your house.

The boy told - My name is Antaryami, and I am alone, I have no one. Hearing this Trilochan ji and his wife felt very sorry for that boy.

Trilochan ji asked him - Son what work do you know to do, the boy said - Sir, I do all the household work.

Trilochan ji said - Food for hundreds of people is cooked in our house every day, can you cook food for so many people every day.

The boy said, Sir, you can rest assured, I have special expertise in cooking food, cooking food for hundreds of people is a piece of cake for me, along with cooking food, I will also sweep and wash utensils and clean your house. Stories

Trilochan ji was very happy to hear this, he thought that we have got a very good servant. Trilochan ji said - Okay, you can serve here, but tell me what will you take for serving here.

The boy said - sir, just give me a full meal and a place to sleep at night, that's all I want.

Trilochan ji said - There is no shortage of food in our house, you can eat as much as you want, and our house is also very big, we will give you a room, you can live there comfortably.

The boy said - I will do all the work in your house, but I have some conditions.

Trilochan ji said - tell me what are your conditions.

The boy said - I will cook food for everyone, but you will have to cook food for me. Because I do not eat food cooked by my own hands. Stories

Trilochan ji's wife thought that this is a small boy, he will be satisfied with two or four rotis (Breads). She said - okay I will cook food for you.

The boy said - my second condition is - no matter how much food I eat, never tell me why I eat so much.

Trilochan ji said - you eat four or five rotis (Breads) to your fill, we will never stop you.

The boy said - four or five rotis (Breads) do not matter to me, I eat only once a day, but I eat four to five kilos of rotis (Breads) at a time.

Trilochan ji said - you can eat as much as you want, but there should be no reduction in the service of saints.

The boy said - my third and last condition is this - you will not gossip about me to anyone else that I eat so much. The day you tell me or anyone else about my food, I will leave your house that very day.

Trilochan ji and his wife accepted all the conditions of the child Antaryami.

From the next day, God who came in the form of Antaryami started working at Trilochan ji's house. Next day, when Trilochan ji woke up in the morning, he saw that different dishes were being prepared on different stoves in the kitchen, Antaryami was running around and preparing 15 types of dishes. By the time Trilochan ji and his wife finished their daily chores like bathing, Antaryami had prepared food for hundreds of people. Stories

Now devotees started coming early in the morning, Antaryami served food to everyone with great love. Trilochan ji wanted to help Antaryami in this work, but Antaryami did not let him do any work, he did all the work himself.

The food prepared by Antaryami was so pure and delicious that everyone praised it a lot. The stomachs of the people who ate would be full, but the desire to eat would not end. All the saints praised Trilochan ji's food a lot - the saints said - Trilochan ji we have eaten at your place many times, but we have never eaten such delicious food, your servant Antaryami has done wonders.

Trilochan ji and his wife were very happy, they both were sitting and watching how their servant is doing all the work very efficiently, serving food to hundreds of people, cleaning their utensils, massaging the feet of the saints and serving them. Antaryami fed hundreds of people who came throughout the day with great love and served everyone with great love. In the evening, after finishing all the work, Antaryami said to Trilochan ji's wife - Mother, now feed me too, I am feeling very hungry.

Trilochan ji's wife was very happy with Antaryami's work. She said - Yes son, you sit down, I will cook food for you right now.

Trilochan ji's wife thought how much food will this small child eat, if he eats a little more, then I will cook as much food as five people can eat. She cooked enough food for five people to eat and made Antaryami sit to eat. God himself, who had come in the form of Antaryami, ate all the food in a short time and said - Mother, I want more food. Trilochan ji's wife was surprised, such a small child ate food equal to five people and still his hunger was not satisfied. Stories

Food for five more people was cooked for Antaryami, but even that did not satisfy his hunger. In this way, food was cooked for Antaryami again and again and finally Antaryami's hunger was satisfied after eating food equal to 50 people. In this way, Trilochan ji's wife got tired of cooking so much food.

Now this became his daily routine, Antaryami used to do all the work throughout the day, feed the saints with love, serve them and in the evening he used to eat food prepared by Trilochan ji's wife.

Now the number of saints and devotees visiting Trilochan ji's house also started increasing, Antaryami used to cook such delicious food that everyone used to praise it. The food of Trilochan ji's house started being discussed far and wide, due to which more saints and devotees started coming, all the saints used to go away happily after blessing Trilochan ji.

Now Trilochan ji did not have to do any hard work, he had a lot of time as he had no work. So he started spending his whole day singing bhajans (Psalm) of God. Bhajans of God started being sung in Trilochan ji's house all day long, and satsang (spiritual preaching) started taking place, due to which more saints started coming to his house. Every day there was a festive atmosphere in Trilochan ji's house, Trilochan ji was praised everywhere. Stories

In this way, 13 months passed by. One day, Trilochan's wife went to the neighborhood. The women started talking to each other. One woman said to Trilochan's wife - Ever since Antaryami has come, there is a lot of happiness in your house, and Trilochan's complexion has changed, his face has become very bright, his health has also become much better than before. But you were thin before and you are thin now too, why has there been no improvement in your health.

Trilochan's wife said - No one knows my sorrow. Antaryami serves everyone, but I have to serve Antaryami.

The woman asked - What service do you have to do?

Trilochan's wife said - Antaryami cooks food for everyone and feeds them, but he does not eat food cooked by his own hands, I have to cook food for him.

The woman said - Hey, he is a boy of sixteen-seventeen years, how much food does he eat?

Trilochan ji's wife said - Oh sister, you don't know, he eats only once a day, but when he sits down to eat, he keeps on eating for three to four hours continuously, he eats alone as much as fifty people, he eats so much that I get tired of cooking.

As soon as Trilochan ji's wife said this, the God who had come in the form of Antaryami disappeared. When she reached her home, she could not find Antaryami anywhere, Antaryami was searched everywhere but he was not found. Trilochan ji and his wife were very sad when Antaryami left, both husband and wife started crying in the memory of Antaryami.

Both husband and wife reached the temple of Lord Pandharinath, both prayed to God, O Lord, we are not sad that you did not give us a child. But a servant came into our life, after his arrival, service of saints started in our house, bhajans (Psalm) and satsang (spiritual preaching) started happening, that servant used to serve us like a son. Please send that servant back to our house, saying this both husband and wife started shedding tears from their eyes.

Then both of them heard the voice of Antaryami, Sir, I am here. When both of them opened their eyes, they found that this voice was coming from the idol of Lord Pandharinath. Lord Pandharinath said - You both have served the saints and the devotees coming to the temple throughout your life, so being pleased with you, I myself came in the form of Antaryami to help you in this work, if you want, I will come again to help you.

Hearing this, Trilochan Ji started to lament even more. He said - O Lord, you came to the house of insignificant creatures like us as a servant, you served us, cooked food for us, washed our utensils. O Lord, we could not recognize you, we committed a great sin by getting served by you.

God said, you have not committed any sin, I myself came to help you, pleased with your devotion. Now both of you go to your homes without any grief, soon both of you will get salvation and attain my company in my supreme abode.

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