The Story of Saint Shri Haridas Ji and Emperor Akbar - All Free Novel - English Stories


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Story of Saint Shri Haridas Ji and Emperor Akbar - All Free Novel

The Story of Saint Shri Haridas Ji and Emperor Akbar - All Free Novel

Once Akbar and Tansen were strolling on the banks of the Yamuna river in Agra. Tansen was considered to be the most reputed singer of that time, so Akbar praised Tansen and said - Tansen ji, I don't think there is any other singer better than you in this world. All Free Novel

Tansen, who was a man of pure heart, said to Akbar - Emperor, I tell you the truth, I am not the best singer in the world. Akbar asked with great surprise - If you are not the best singer in the world, then who is? Who sings better than you?

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All Free Novel

Tansen said - Your highness, I am nothing in front of my Gurudev (Teacher), no one can sing better than my Gurudev Swami Shri Haridas ji. You can compare both of us in this way - the Yamuna river that has been flowing in front of you for ages, if that is my Gurudev, then I am not even a drop of this Yamuna river.

Akbar did not believe Tansen's words, he said - If this is the case Tansen, then I want to hear your Gurudev's song at any cost. You should invite your Gurudev to our court soon. Tansen said - Your Majesty, this cannot happen, my Gurudev will never accept to come to your court.

Akbar said - Why will he not accept? Tansen said - King, I sing to please you, but my Gurudev sings to please the king of this universe, that God, he will never sing in front of you. All Free Novel

Akbar was a great music lover, he wanted to hear Tansen's Gurudev's song at any cost, he said to Tansen - Tansen, you do anything but somehow make me hear your Gurudev's song.

Tansen thought for a while and said to Akbar - Emperor, if you want to hear my Gurudev's song, then you will have to come to him and that too not as a emperor but as my servant. Akbar immediately agreed to this. Now Akbar disguised himself as a servant and went to Swami Shri Haridas ji in Vrindavan along with Tansen.

It was summer and afternoon time, Swami Shri Haridas ji was engrossed in the meditation of Lord Shri Krishna at that time. Tansen bowed down to the feet of his Guru, Swami ji asked Tansen the reason for coming, Tansen said - I was going this way, so thought why not go and see you. During the conversation, Haridas ji asked Tansen to sing something.

Following the Guru's orders, Tansen took the tanpura in his hand and started singing Raga Malhar, Tansen deliberately did not sing Raga Malhar properly, Swami ji said Tansen why are you not singing properly? Tansen said - Guruji I only know how to sing like this, you sing it properly and tell me. Swami Shri Haridas ji understood that Tansen wants to hear his song, Swami ji smiled and started singing Raga Malhar himself. All Free Novel

As soon as Swami Shri Haridas ji started singing Raga Malhaar (Raga Malhaar is such a divine raga that if it is sung after perfecting it, then it starts raining due to the effect of this raga), in that scorching summer season, dark clouds immediately gathered and heavy rain started, peacocks started dancing, cuckoos started singing in sweet voices, many birds like the papiha started chirping. It seemed as if the whole nature was dancing to the tune of Swami Shri Haridas ji's raga.

On hearing such sweet music, Akbar, who was sitting there as Tansen's servant, was overjoyed and said 'wow-wow'. Hearing Akbar's voice, Haridas ji's concentration was disturbed and he stopped singing Raga Malhaar and said - who is listening to our music secretly?

On seeing Akbar, Haridas ji understood that Tansen had lied and brought someone with him, he looked at Tansen with anger. Tansen immediately fell at his Guru's feet and said - Guruji, please forgive me, this is the Emperor Akbar, he wanted to hear your song, I had no other option.

Haridas ji got very angry, but when he thought that such a great emperor has come as a servant to listen to music, then he must be a great music lover, thinking this, Haridas ji forgave Tansen. All Free Novel

Haridas ji blessed both Tansen and Akbar, Akbar said - Swami ji, I want to serve you a little. Swami ji said we don't want anything from you, now you can go. Akbar said that if we have come, we will definitely serve you in some way, you sing so beautifully, we never thought that someone could sing like this. Tansen you were right, if your Guru is the ocean then you are not even a drop of that ocean.

Akbar repeatedly insisted Haridas ji to take some service, Haridas ji understood that King Akbar is proud of his kingship. To break Akbar's pride Haridas ji said - King Akbar, the service that we will tell you is not in your capacity to complete. Hearing this the pride of the emperor was hurt, he started thinking what is there that the emperor of india cannot do, now even Akbar is adamant, Swami ji now you will have to tell some service.

To break Akbar's pride, Swami ji called his servant and said - Show Emperor Akbar that the corner of a staircase of the Yamuna river ghat (stairs going to the river) is broken. Emperor, get that broken staircase repaired, this is your only service.

Hearing this, Emperor Akbar became more annoyed. He said - Swami Ji, I am the Emperor of India, the entire Yamuna river flows in my kingdom and you are asking me to repair a staircase, I can rebuild the entire ghat. Haridas Ji said - Go and see that staircase once, then come back and tell me whether you can repair it or not. All Free Novel

Akbar reluctantly went to see that staircase with servant. Swami Shri Haridas Ji gave Akbar divine sight with his spiritual power, due to which Akbar started seeing divine Vrindavan. Akbar saw such a scene which he had never seen even in his dreams, he had never imagined seeing such a scene.

Akbar saw that the ghat (stairs going to the river) of Yamuna river was made of huge divine gems, every step was made of a different gem. The staircase that was to be repaired was made of 12 yards wide and hundreds of yards long precious sapphire, one corner of that staircase was broken, the emperor trembled on seeing this sight, he had never seen anything like this in his life before. Getting that staircase repaired was beyond his means.

Emperor Akbar's pride was broken, he returned and with folded hands told Haridas ji - Swami ji, getting that staircase repaired is not in my power, even if a thousand emperors like me are sold, they cannot repair that staircase, so tell me some service that I can do.

Swami Shri Haridas Ji said - Emperor Akbar, an arrogant person cannot serve anyone, now your pride has been destroyed, so now you have become worthy of service. If you want to do something for me, then you should issue an order that no one should hunt any animal or bird on the land of Braj. All Free Novel.

Akbar accepted this service by bowing his head at the feet of Swami Ji. After this, Akbar, on reaching Agra, issued an order banning hunting in the Braj area. In this way, Swami Shri Haridas Ji blessed Akbar and showed him the divine Vrindavan and destroyed his pride.

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All Free Novel.