Short Story : The Owner of the Well and his Cunningness - English Stories


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Short Story : The Owner of the Well and his Cunningness

Short Story : The Owner of the Well and his Cunningness

Once upon a time, it was summer season. A farmer planted corn crop in all his fields. The crop had just grown a little, but there was no rain, due to which his standing crop was in danger. If water was not arranged at the right time, then all his crops could be destroyed, so that farmer was very worried. There was a well at a short distance from that farmer's field, which was always full of water. The farmer thought that I can irrigate my fields by taking water from that well, so he went to the owner of that well to get permission to use the water of the well.

Short Story

The owner of the well flatly refused to give water to the farmer, the owner of the well said that if you want to take water from this well, then you will have to buy this well first. The farmer thought for a while, the farmer thought that every year there is a problem of rain, sometimes it rains and sometimes it does not. Thinking that if I buy a well, my dependence on rain will end and then I will be able to sow the desired crops in my fields, the farmer agreed to buy the well.


An amount was fixed between the two, the farmer did not have that much money at that time, the farmer said that I will pay you all the money in two days and buy the well. The owner of the well agreed to this. Now the farmer started arranging the money. He arranged the money by borrowing money from his friends and relatives. Now he was completely relaxed, the next day he had to go to buy the well, he was impatiently waiting for the morning.

Short Story

The next day in the morning he went to that person to buy the well, the farmer bought the well by giving the agreed amount to that person. Now that well belonged to that farmer, so the farmer did not delay in taking out water from that well. As soon as the farmer reached the well to take out water from it, that person stopped the farmer. That person said you cannot take out water from this well, I have only sold the well to you, the water of the well is still mine.

Hearing this, the farmer became disappointed and went to the king's court to complain for justice. The king listened to the farmer's complaint carefully, then the king called the person from whom the farmer had bought the well. On hearing the king's order, that person came running to the court. The king asked him, when you have sold your well to this farmer, then why don't you let the farmer take water from this well. The man said, your highness we had made a deal for the well, not the water of the well.

Short Story

Hearing this, the king also got into thinking, he thought that it is right, the deal was for the well, not the water. When the king also got confused, then he called one of his ministers to solve this problem. That minister was very smart, the king used to take the opinion of his minister before taking any decision. The minister came and heard the whole problem.

Understanding everything, the minister said - You have sold the well to the farmer, but not the water. So what is your water doing in the farmer's well, you should immediately take out your water from the farmer's well. If you do not take out your water from the well by tomorrow, then you will have to pay rent to the farmer on a daily basis for keeping your water in the farmer's well.

Short Story

As soon as the minister said this, the person got scared, he thought that now his cleverness will not work, he immediately apologised to the king and accepted that the farmer has full right over the well and the water of the well. Seeing this, the king praised the intelligence of the minister and imposed a heavy fine on that person for cheating the farmer.

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Short Story

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